This easy and creamy pinto bean "hummus" recipe tastes delicious with dipped veggies or chips, with cream cheese, and salsa, or as a...
Homemade pretzels are incomplete without a pub-style cheese dip to dunk into. This beer cheese dip is so creamy and delicious that it will make every bite...
Texas caviar is a classic Texas favorite and delicious appetizer. Three types of beans, corn, onion, jalapeno, tomatoes, and cilantro are marinated in...
Creamy Avocado Dip that comes together with less than five ingredients in two minutes flat! This is the BEST easy, healthy snack. Also a great spread for...
A zesty, herby, lemony dip made with white beans! A protein- and fiber-rich dip or snack made with just 7 wholesome ingredients in 10 minutes. Perfect...
Easy Layered Taco Dip is a super quick and easy cold dip recipe perfect for game day and parties with classic taco flavors like sour cream, beans, and...
Texas Trash Dip is the ultimate warm gooey bean with southwest flavors and lots of melty cheese, baked to perfection. With refried beans, cream cheese,...
I think of Persian shallots like truffles-they grow wild in the foothills of the Zagros Mountains, and have to be found and dug out of the earth by dedicated...
With only a handful of ingredients, this Homemade Ranch Dip comes together in minutes. It has your favorite ranch flavor with none of the hidden ingredients...
Learn how to make a restaurant-grade Lebanese garlic aioli sauce, or Toum. This sauce is used with traditional Lebanese BBQs including Shish Tawook and...
The Best Homemade Bean Dip Recipe - It's easy to make delicious, creamy, scoop-able bean dip right at home! Our restaurant-style bean dip recipe can...
This dip is great not only because it's a two-in-one recipe, but because unlike most other cheese dips and sauces, it does not separate and congeal as...
Super creamy roasted beet hummus featuring a whole roasted beet, lemon, and plenty of garlic flavor. Perfect with chips, pita, or veggies or as a sandwich...
A deliciously creamy garlic sauce made with chopped cilantro, fresh garlic, lime juice, and sour cream. You'll love adding it to just about anything....
A quick and easy Mexican Corn Dip Recipe made with cream cheese, jalapeños, red bell pepper, and more! Serve it alongside Fritos, tortilla chips, or even...
This creamy curry dip is a delicious dip for vegetables but you can also spread it on sandwiches or serve it with fries! This dip can pair with nearly...
Adding silken tofu to the base of this dressing both enriches it with a little added protein and lends it a satiny texture. You can adjust the amount of...
Ranch Crack Dip is a delicious and easy recipe for a vegetable or chip dip, or as a topping for chili, soups, and stews! It's the Crack Chicken sauce,...
Using yogurt instead of oils to make tartar sauce does three things: it lowers the fat content; gives it a zingy yoghurt tang; and also brings probiotic...
Tangy, creamy and full of green chile flavor, this Creamy Hatch Green Chile Dip is a must when fresh Hatch green chiles are in season. Grab the tortilla...
This hamburger dip features a creamy filling containing all of your favorite burger flavors. It is topped with even more cheese, then baked until hot and...
Sweet roasted beets, nutty toasted hazlenuts, and rich and creamy goat cheese are combined in this vegetarian play on pâté: An earthy-yet-light spread...