This is always a winner and good to the last drop! The Jell-O® has a wonderful texture and, with the Cool Whip®, it can pass for dessert, too. Easiest...
This is a great recipe my mom got from my aunt. It is a family tradition for us. It can be made a day or two ahead of time, if you like. It looks just...
This quick and easy cheesecake salad is the perfect summer dessert for a crowd, packed with mixed berries, whipped topping, strawberry yogurt, and crushed...
Low-fat cottage cheese is mixed with Cool Whip Lite® and dry sugar-free gelatin to create a delightful dessert. You can use any flavor Jell-O; I prefer...
This is a delicious summer salad with a tropical flair that has been a family favorite my whole life, and probably longer. Pineapple, marshmallows, and...
Caught in a pinch for a salad when unexpected company showed up at mealtime, I improvised with this combination. Instantly it became one of my family's...
Very fun for a party! I used Knox® Gelatin and a bit of blue JELL-O® because I wanted the 'water' to appear very clear. But blue or green JELL-O® would...
This sparkling salad is creamy and slightly tart. Nuts and celery add texture. Not only do adults love it, so do the kids! Cut the finished salad into...
This is a favorite recipe in our family. I got this from a friend for my mom to make when I was a child. Now I always make it for potlucks where there...
This is a delicious, dessert salad that everyone is sure to love, especially chocolate lovers. It's a very colorful dish made with red, green, and yellow...
Individual gelatin salads in mini trifle dishes. The bottom layer is lime and lemon jello mixed with bananas; top layer is strawberry jello with sour cherries...
This is a wonderful dessert salad that never failed to be a hit. Made the day before the brown sugar makes the sauce taste like caramel. You can use less...
This is one of my Meamaw's recipes for the holidays. It's great for Christmas and Thanksgiving and has been what I've looked forward to during the holidays...
It seems all families have some weird salad they just can't do without during the holidays, and this is ours. I like to call it 'Christmas Eve Salad, Traditionally...
My great grandmother made this every holiday. Simply unmold onto a pretty serving plate and watch your guests or your family ooh and ahh. Makes a pretty...