This hearty and indulgent country-fried steak and gravy recipe will have your family and friends asking for seconds. To ensure the steaks cook perfectly,...
My brother, Joe, created this lasagna based on our mom's recipe. It's a family favorite at Christmas, thanks to the special ingredients that make it magnifico....
Here's a recipe I created as an alternative to plain potato soup. Hearty and comforting, it disappears quickly when I serve it to my family on chilly evenings....
When our children were small and I was busy trying to get all those extra things done that are part of a mom's normal schedule, I would make this quick...
DIY canning spaghetti sauce recipes are a tomato grower's dream come true! Use up your garden bounty and enjoy it later in the year. -Tonya Branham, Mt....
This baked rosemary chicken with a tangy lemon sauce is my husband's favorite, and my sister always wants it for her birthday dinner. -Laurel Dalzell,...
I took a recipe off a box of baking mix and altered it to make it easier. The result was this moist oven-fried chicken with a thick golden coating that's...
Here's what you need: olive oil, large onion, large carrots, celery, kosher salt, black pepper, garlic, chicken broth, egg noodles, shredded chicken breast,...
We enjoy this dish often in the spring when asparagus is fresh on the market. It's a favorite with family and friends and a welcome surprise to those who...
Whether I'm fixing cod fillets or my husband's catch of the day, this fish fry batter makes the fish golden and crispy. Club soda gives it a different...
This is the dramatic seafood paella that looks stunning, with crustaceans and shellfish. You can vary the quantities of seafood and also use crab, crayfish,...
Picture yourself on the coast of Tuscany, Italy. Flowy clothes, a beautiful breeze, and a view of the Tuscan Sea: you're ready to book your next vacation,...
This spinach-stuffed chicken breast recipe is special to me because it has so much flavor, yet not too many calories. I love Italian food, but most of...
My mom just loved a good lamb chop, and this easy recipe was her favorite way to prepare them. I've also grilled these chops with amazing results. -Kim...
I have fun trying new recipes and creating dishes of my own. I especially enjoy main entrees like this that are a little lighter and that let the food's...
These baked pork chops are the best oven baked pork chops ever! They are so easy to make, super juicy, and flavorful. Rub them with a few pantry staple...
The simple seasonings in this recipe enhance the pleasant, mild flavor of orange roughy. It's a quick and easy way to prepare fish.-Sue Kroening, Mattoon,...
Here's a thick, hearty sauce that turns ordinary spaghetti and garlic bread into a filling feast. When I'm in a hurry, I make this slow cooker recipe in...
Every other cauliflower soup recipe I tried lacked flavor, but this cheesy recipe packs a tasty punch! We like it with hot pepper sauce for a little extra...
I reel in compliments with this moist, crispy red snapper recipe. Heart-healthy omega-3 oils are an added bonus with my simple but delicious entree that's...
The original comfort food, macaroni and cheese gets a makeover with the addition of cubed ham and grated Parmesan. Kids will love it! -Christy Looper,...
When my wife asks what she should make for a gathering, she's always told to bring this-and a couple of copies of the recipe! - Robert Saulnier, Clarksburg,...
When my wife is craving comfort food, I whip up this chicken pot pie with puff pastry. It's easy to make, sticks to your ribs and delivers soul-satisfying...
A family favorite, this rice casserole is filled with plenty of seafood and veggies. It's hearty, homey and so easy to make. -Nancy Billups, Princeton,...
Get children to help you chop the vegetables and make the sauce for this colourful, simple tofu stir-fry. It's perfect when you need a quick and easy family...
On our honeymoon in Greece, my husband and I had a dish like this one. I tried to re-create the flavors in this recipe when we got home. When I make it...
Garlic and lemon lend a pleasant flavor to these speedy sauteed shrimp from Sheryll Hughes-Smith of Brandon, Mississippi. "I like to serve them over wild...
My mother has fixed this recipe for years and now I prepare it for my family. The chops are delicious with scalloped potatoes and home-baked bread. -Teresa...
The combination of onion, carrots, parsley and cheese-plus the tomato-mustard topping-makes this meat loaf really colorful. The recipe lends itself easily...
Over the years, I've found the trick to serving this tender pork with its mild onion-and-mushroom-flavored gravy is to fix enough- people tend to come...
What's not to love with these crowd-pleasing golden fried chicken strips? A hint of garlic makes this fried chicken tenders recipe irresistible. -Genise...
Herbs, garlic and butter give this hearty meal in one a classic flavor. It's a lot like pot roast, except it uses chicken instead of beef. -Isabel Zienkosky,...
Mom fixed this Swedish meatball recipe for all sorts of family dinners, potluck suppers and PTA meetings. The scent of browning meat is intoxicating. Add...
I modified my Mom's recipe as I became a more experienced cook. Everyone raves about how tender and rich this dish is. I make it about every 2 weeks during...
Many times, I must come up with recipes requiring only ingredients already in my pantry. This is one of them. It's my husband's favorite meat dish. -Dolores,...