My mom made these tender ribs for special Sunday suppers when we were growing up. A few common ingredients are all you need to make the zesty sauce that...
When you're looking for a fast, flavorful meal, look no further than fish! Parmesan cheese and special seasonings add a bit of an Italian flair to these...
Until I entered kindergarten, we spoke German in our home and kept many old-world customs. We always enjoyed the food of our family's homeland. Mom usually...
Traditionally, this Moroccan chicken with apricots dish includes chili pepper paste, but I use chili sauce in my version. Serve it alone or with couscous...
My siblings and I couldn't wait to sit down to supper when Mom was making this delicious chicken. The cornmeal in the coating gives each juicy golden piece...
This rich, easy garlic cream sauce recipe is requested at every family occasion I attend. Don't be afraid to alter the recipe with more or less garlic...
Whenever I serve this pork schnitzel, people always ask for the recipe. German-style schnitzel is usually made with veal. I substituted pork to save money...
I love to serve this tender, flavorful pork to guests. You don't have to toil away in the kitchen to prepare it, yet it tastes like a gourmet meal. -Kimberley...
Where this recipe calls for lemon zest and rosemary, the native Coast Salish Indians on Vancouver Island would use grand-fir needles. Either way, the salmon...
This upside down deep dish pizza recipe comes together in one pan. Cook the onions and green bell peppers, then assemble the pizza in the same pan - just...
My fiancé loves sweet potatoes. By adding black beans, I came up with a nutritionally complete main dish. Its bright orange and black color makes it fun...
This easy sauerbraten recipe is a tasty example of traditional German fare. Its definitive pickled tang is pleasing and sure to delight German food lovers....
I find that simple dinners are the best comfort foods that my family of seven really desires. Simple, good ingredients are the key to my success in the...
Editor's note: Chef, nutritionist, and cooking teacher Lourdes Castro shared this recipe from her cookbook, Latin Grilling. It's part of a festive Cuban...
Folks will enjoy a change from traditional chili when they dip their spoons into this flavorful blend of tender chicken, white beans and just enough zip....
I've been making these delicious extra-thick chops for over 30 years. It's a wonderful entree to serve company and it also savored by our family on special...
Some of the cooks at the restaurant where I work were talking about stuffed pepper soup. We decided to stir up similar ingredients for a stuffed pepper...
We live on the Gulf Coast, where fresh seafood is plentiful. I adapted several recipes to come up with this rich bisque. It's great as a first course or...
My husband used to get home from work before me, and one evening, he cooked this for dinner. We've used the same recipe ever since. It's delicious. -Kathy...
My family adores this spaghetti casserole. It's old-timey comfort food. This is how to make baked spaghetti with cream cheese. -Patricia Lavell, Islamorada,...
After working hard all our lives and raising a family, we're now enjoying a simpler life. Getting back to the basics means enjoying old-fashioned comfort...
My husband and I made up this recipe as we went along, and we love the way it turned out. It reminds us me something found at Italian restaurants. -Angela...
This recipe is a tender, lighter variation of the marinated ginger-sake flank steak my mother used to make. It has a wonderful flavor and aroma. - Shawn...
Mom came to visit and told me my brisket was even better than the version we used to eat back in Texas. Use the leftovers for sandwiches and tacos. -Audra...
Grilling might become a year-round affair when you taste these scrumptious kabobs from Marie Rizzio of Interlochen, Michigan. This elegant entrée combines...
When I was a little girl, I helped my parents work the fields of their small farm. Lunchtime was always a treat when Mother picked fresh vegetables from...
After my sister moved away to the university, I used to visit her on weekends. She often made this wonderful and tangy pork dish. Now, every time I make...
I got the best white chili recipe from my sister-in-law, who made a big batch and served a crowd one night. It was a hit. It's easy and quick, which is...
s my love making this satisfying dish--it's easy and elegant, and the slow cooker minimizes my time in the kitchen. I make this during football season,...
Pork loin is a lean, mild cut of meat. I like to add flavor and keep it moist by stuffing it with a mixture of chopped herbs and garlic. Simply make a...
Even my husband, who's never been a big fan of broccoli, digs in to this creamy soup. It's a perfect way to enjoy the produce from our vegetable garden....
My husband is a meat cutter at a supermarket and likes to find new ways to smoke or barbecue meat. Several years ago, he discovered this recipe for BBQ...
This easy stir-fry combines the pasta with green pepper, mushrooms and tomatoes in an Italian-style sauce. I made up this recipe one evening, and it was...
There's just something about the caramelized crust and meaty interior of scallops that makes them the perfect protein. They also have a naturally delicate...
Quick and comforting, this delicious chicken and biscuits recipe is filled with chunky chicken, colorful veggies and spoonfuls of creamy flavor. It's guaranteed...
This tender moist chicken bakes in a savory sauce that combines cherries with soy sauce, orange juice and ginger. It's sure to be a big hit at your house...
This mushroom chicken bake recipe is the perfect way to dress up a standard weeknight dinner. It's a recipe I can count on to yield tender and flavorful...
With its golden brown crust and scrumptious filling, these comforting turkey potpies will warm you down to your toes. Because it makes two, you can eat...
An easy homemade stir-fry sauce is the perfect base for this weeknight dish. It comes together quickly, creating a skillet of tender pork infused with...
I'm always on the lookout for low-fat recipes that are scrumptious, too, like this pineapple chicken recipe. Quick-cooking chicken breasts get wonderful,...
"This recipe is similar to a barbecue shrimp dish I love at a restaurant in Florida," writes Sandy Lutz from North Canton, Ohio. "I serve it as an entree...