Want to know how to make lasagna for a casual holiday meal? You can't go wrong with this deliciously rich meat lasagna recipe. My grown sons and daughter-in-law...
This easy pizza dough recipe is the key to making an extraordinary homemade pizza. We use all-purpose flour because double zero is hard to find. But if...
There's nothing like fresh salmon, and my mom bakes it just right so it nearly melts in your mouth. The sour cream dill sauce is subtly seasoned with horseradish...
When there's a chill in the air, nothing beats this Crock-Pot beef stew. Seasoned with thyme and dry mustard, the hearty slow-cooker beef stew is chock-full...
My husband is an avid fisherman. When a family get-together was planned and we had to bring something, we created this recipe using fish from our freezer....
This is the best New England clam chowder recipe, ever! In the Pacific Northwest, we dig our own razor clams and I grind them for the chowder. Since these...
Mom made the best meatloaf, and now I do, too. When I first met my husband, he didn't care for homemade meatloaf, but this won him over. -Michelle Beran,...
My first Wisconsin winter was so cold, all I wanted to eat was homemade chicken noodle soup. Of all the chicken noodle soup recipes out there, this type...
You'll be surprised at the taste of this rich and cheesy easy potato soup. It really is the best potato soup recipe, ever. I came up with it after enjoying...
Enjoy my signature French onion soup the way my granddaughter Becky does: I make onion soup for her in a crock bowl, complete with garlic croutons and...
Homemade chicken and dumplings from scratch harken back to my childhood and chilly days when we devoured those cute little balls of dough swimming in hot,...
Keep a batch of these meatballs in your freezer for an easy weeknight meal. This simple meatball recipe can be used for pizzas, sub sandwiches, in soups...
Dutch oven pot roast recipes are the ultimate comfort food. When juicy pot roast simmers in garlic, onions and veggies, everyone comes running to ask,...
This is the best chicken potpie recipe! Chock-full of chicken, potatoes, peas and corn, this recipe makes two golden pies, so you can serve one at supper...
This hearty beef and barley soup is a favorite menu item in our house throughout the year. Everyone savors the flavor. -Elizabeth Kendall, Carolina Beach,...
This recipe is so quick and easy, and I always receive a ton of compliments. It quickly becomes a favorite of friends whenever I share the recipe. Modify...
A friend gave me the idea to use V8 juice in vegetable soup because it provides more flavor. My best vegetable soup recipe is perfect to prepare on a crisp...
This chicken fajitas recipe is definitely on my weeknight dinner rotation. The marinated chicken in these popular wraps is mouthwatering. The fajitas go...
One evening, we had unexpected company. Since I had the ingredients on hand, I made this spaghetti and meatballs recipe. Everyone raved! This classic recipe...
These slow-cooker short ribs are an easy alternative to traditionally braised short ribs-you don't need to pay any attention to them once you get them...
This one-dish roast chicken with vegetables tastes as if it took hours of hands-on time to put together, but the simple ingredients can be prepped in mere...
Here's what you need: eggplants, roma tomatoes, yellow squashes, zucchinis, olive oil, onion, garlic, red bell pepper, yellow bell pepper, salt, pepper,...
It was an abundance of dill in my garden that led me to try this. My family liked the taste so much that, from then on, I made my old-fashioned cabbage...
Here's what you need: lamb shanks, kosher salt, freshly ground black pepper, canola oil, medium carrots, medium white onion, celery, garlic, tomato paste,...
At chili suppers, this chili con carne recipe always disappears first! It's nice at home, too, since the longer it sits in the refrigerator, the better...
I found the best veal scallopini recipe in a magazine and adjusted it to suit my family's tastes. Delicate, fine-textured veal requires only a short cooking...
When you need supper fast, this tuna noodle casserole makes a super one-dish meal. Cooked chicken breast works well in place of the tuna. -Edie DeSpain,...
At family get-togethers, our children always request this spirit-warming ground beef soup along with a fresh loaf of homemade bread and tall glasses of...
I created this tasty quick-and-easy sauerkraut and sausage dish so I can throw it together in no time on those extra-busy nights. - Mary Lyon, Spotsylvania,...
Here's what you need: bacon, chicken breasts, salt, pepper, italian seasoning, paprika, garlic, spinach, small tomatoes, cream, shredded parmesan cheese,...
We live on the eastern edge of the Sand Hills here in Nebraska, where most folks are ranchers. This popular pepper steak recipe is tasty as well as colorful....
I created this tempting seafood pasta for my wife. It's a terrific meal served with crusty sourdough. If you don't like spice, skip the red pepper flakes....
Nothing spells comfort like Italian food. Steaming bowls of pasta, buttery, roasted garlic bread, and tureens of the most flavorful sauces: it's all right...
Grilled tuna steak recipes aren't limited to restaurants. After enjoying yellowfin tuna in southwest Florida, I came up with this recipe so I could enjoy...
It's been years since you got that slow cooker as a gift and well, outside of a hearty chili, you don't quite know what to do with it. Well get ready,...
This easy chicken cacciatore recipe makes a good Sunday dinner, since it's so simple to prepare. This recipe is the best because it's loaded with lots...
Two words: honey salmon! Sure, it takes a tiny bit of prep work, but once you marinate your salmon, you won't be able to go back. A simple mix of honey,...
This is the ultimate creamy mac and cheese recipe. It's saucy, thick and very rich, with a wonderful cheddar flavor. Once you taste it, you'll be hooked....
This chicken dish is extremely fast and economical. It makes a nice sauce that works well over brown rice or wide noodles. If you want extra sauce for...
Here's what you need: farfalle pasta, olive oil, hot italian sausages, sweet italian sausages, red bell pepper, green bell pepper, yellow bell pepper,...
Getting take-out is a crave-worthy indulgence. And with our easy chicken veggie stir fry recipe, you can recreate the magic of a Chinese takeout right...
This chicken quesadilla recipe has an impressive look and taste with little preparation. The leftover chicken gets Mexican flair from cumin in this fun...
I work full time, so this slow cooker roast beef is my go-to when I want a hearty, home cooked meal. It's a comfort to walk in and smell this simmering...