An old-fashioned recipe, for fragrant and soft sugar cookies. You will not get the best results if you choose to use margarine and imitation flavorings....
Rich and delicious cut-out cookies - wonderful for special holiday celebrations! These are the best cut-out cookies the long line of bakers in our family...
I bake these creepy skeleton cookies every year for Halloween, but they work also for Day of the Dead. You can use any cut-out-cookie recipe as the base....
Adorable Halloween cookies any kid would be proud to take to school. Warning: The frosting is super sweet. This recipe makes about 1 1/2 dozen cookies,...
This is my great-grandmother's recipe. It has survived four generations and is still at the top of my cut-out recipe list. The secret is to roll the dough...
I received this recipe at a Cake and Candy store when I signed up for a class. We made fall leaves and put them in a clay pot - they looked great! For...
This recipe is over 75 documented years old as it has been passed down from generation to generation in my Kentucky family...a real reminder of the warm,...
My son loves the store-bought circus animal cookies, but the ingredient list scares me a little, since they contain wax and other chemicals. This recipe...
These are a Christmas family tradition at our house and they don't last long. Even better (more moist and very sweet) the second and third day if kept...
This recipe has been perfected over the years and this is the best yet. We have even frozen these cookies with no problem. A shortcut to note: We use a...
This recipe was given to me by a friend to make for our annual Valentine's Day Heart Party a few years ago. The peppermint and chocolate are a flavorful...
These cookies are so good that we have to literally make a bushel of them. They eat like potato chips because they are paper thin. They are definitely...