A light sugar cookie with toasted sesame seeds. To make a double batch, I double all the ingredients but the butter and they still taste delicious.
Author: Lois
Rich and delicious cut-out cookies - wonderful for special holiday celebrations! These are the best cut-out cookies the long line of bakers in our family...
Author: Jelly
Speckled with nutmeg, these thick, soft, and tasty cookies are filled with the flavor of eggnog--perfect for holiday cookie plates!
Author: SunnyDaysNora
This is an old recipe of my grandmother's. These crunchy cookies are guaranteed to please.
Author: Eve King
An old-fashioned recipe, for fragrant and soft sugar cookies. You will not get the best results if you choose to use margarine and imitation flavorings....
Author: Patsy Snyder Hennessey
This is my favorite cookie recipe. If you want to add frosting, I wrote a recipe for that too.
Author: Guinevere Barr
I bake these creepy skeleton cookies every year for Halloween, but they work also for Day of the Dead. You can use any cut-out-cookie recipe as the base....
Author: sterubawi05
This is a nutty strudel like roll. It's not too sweet so you could even have it for breakfast!
Author: AmberMarie
My maternal Grandma created this cookie for the holidays. The taste and smell of this cookie will always remind me of Christmas!
A chocolate masterpiece; chocolate shortbread with a gilded finish. These can be stored in an airtight container for up to a week.
Author: Simone McKenzie
I've had this recipe since 7th grade. They look like an owls' face and they come out tasty and cute!
Author: Lisa
Serve these cookies every night during Chanukah. Kids have fun decorating them and eating them.
Author: DelightfulDines
A festive layered cookie with cinnamon. Easy and delicious cookies!!
Author: Pearl Lambert
Adorable Halloween cookies any kid would be proud to take to school. Warning: The frosting is super sweet. This recipe makes about 1 1/2 dozen cookies,...
Author: Pi3
These are our favorite cookies. We received this recipe while in England and they are delicious!
Author: Sally
This is my great-grandmother's recipe. It has survived four generations and is still at the top of my cut-out recipe list. The secret is to roll the dough...
Author: smithgangMom
This is a recipe for cookies that my grandma used to make when I was a child. They are very light cookies.
Author: BARB G
This cookie is soft and delicious. The smell of cinnamon will fill the house when you bake these.
Author: a. little
A delicious rolled sugar baseball cookie with royal icing.
Author: PasadenaDaisy
This is a hard to find recipe, I made them and they are a delicious cookie!
Given to me by an aunt that made the most delicious Christmas cookies I have ever tasted!
Author: Elaine Ogden
Crisp sugar cookies frosted to look like the flag of the Irish Republic.
Author: Laria Tabul
This recipe is over 75 documented years old as it has been passed down from generation to generation in my Kentucky family...a real reminder of the warm,...
Author: Levee
Here's lookin' at you. To ensure that your finished product is vegan, make sure that you use margarine containing no animal products.
Author: Rosina
I received this recipe at a Cake and Candy store when I signed up for a class. We made fall leaves and put them in a clay pot - they looked great! For...
Author: Laura
My son loves the store-bought circus animal cookies, but the ingredient list scares me a little, since they contain wax and other chemicals. This recipe...
Author: Tina Robertson Anderson
These are a Christmas family tradition at our house and they don't last long. Even better (more moist and very sweet) the second and third day if kept...
Author: Rory
A great cookie for cutouts that are brown in color: footballs, animals, leaves, etc.
Author: Robin J.
This recipe has been perfected over the years and this is the best yet. We have even frozen these cookies with no problem. A shortcut to note: We use a...
These are a great substitute for children to take to school in lieu of Valentine's Day cards! Use a drinking straw to cut the holes in the pastry.
Author: Jessica Benbow
These are very yummy cut-out type cookies. You may end up not needing all of the 2 1/2 cups of flour.
Every Christmas I design a new pattern and make a gingerbread house for the holidays. The kids love to help decorate.
Author: JBS BOX
This recipe was given to me by a friend to make for our annual Valentine's Day Heart Party a few years ago. The peppermint and chocolate are a flavorful...
Author: Robin
My mother used to make these cookies all the time and my family absolutely loves them.
Author: Jennie Minor
This is the result of my trying to create a cut-out cookie homage to the cherry cheesecake martini my friends and I enjoy at our local martini bar. Unsweetened...
Author: kareninfla