A quick delicious Indian-style curry with spinach, chickpeas, onions, and/or whatever veggies you have. I have added cauliflower, potatoes, and sweet potatoes...
Depending on how many chilies you use, this is a mildly spiced and lovely aromatic dish. I use small plaice fillets, rolled up and secured with a wooden...
From the cookbook, "Hands Off Cooking" by Ann Martin Rolke. "This is my take on a classic Indian mild chickpea-potato curry. I usually serve it with basmati...
You can make this recipe as a subtle side dish or add some cooked broccoli, chicken, and red bell pepper for a main course meal. I actually make this curry...
This dish is excellent served with Basmati rice since there will be a little extra sauce to spoon over the chicken and to flavor the rice nicely. This...
This has to be the best home-made chicken curry I have tasted / made. It's a recipe that a friend gave me after she made it for a dinner party. Since said...
I had been craving the curried chicken I used to get from a Jamaican restaurant before I moved. I found this recipe at recipecottage.com and this is the...
A simple, sweet, and mildly spicy curry sauce with an abundance of good-for-you veggies. Definitely a comfort food for vegans, vegetarians, or omnivores...
A delicious and nutritious Indian dish. Can complete the cooking in the oven if you need the stove top for other dishes, so ideal for a dinner party. Can...
This dish was brought to Goa by the Portuguese and soon became a popular Goan dish often served during special occasions. Historically this Pork dish is...
A very simple and tasty quick throw together recipe that is delicious. I serve it over rice, with a nice spinach salad on the side, add a dinner roll and...
This is a family favorite. It could be made with either meat, chicken fillet or whole disjointed chicken pieces. It's best to use baby okra, they don't...
The fresh lemon grass is the key ingredient in this dish. You can find it in sometimes with the fresh herbs or at a farmers' market. The meal just is lacking...
Make this ahead of time and refrigerate before you need to serve it - the flavour will only improve! FAT REDUCING TIP: Mix together one 400ml can lite...
I make this recipe all the time! Watch out, it's very spicy! :) And quite healthy, too. Eat the chana masala as a curry over rice or my favourite, straight...
Adapted from a 1974 Woman's Day magazine clipping tucked into my Great Aunt's recipe files. The clipping is splotched and well worn, a good sign that this...
This is a delightful, rather sweet curry that everyone seems to really love. It is vegan-friendly, but adding leftover shrimp works nicely, too. I've even...
This curry uses rotisserie chicken, which makes it super easy. Cooking the spices in the very beginning really helps enhance the flavor. This can be made...
This recipe is great for curry lovers or people who want to give a little bit of curry a try. You can easily just grill the chicken and not bother with...
We are big fans of thai food and spicy food. And curry! This is easy and delicious. Anything can be added (tofu, chicken, shrimp or beef), just cook it...
An Indian classic. The chicken is cooked in spiced Dhals. This was my fathers favourite, he always asked me to cook this dish for him. I still cook it...
A very classic Tikka Masala that you would get in many restaurants in London. This variation uses cream instead of yogurt. Which gives a creamy texture...
A few minor changes to suit taste, based on a recipe by Suzanne Gibbs in her book "the Pressure Cooker". A super easy vegan cury that's great served with...
This spicy vegetable curry dish with coconut milk was amazing. Our family ate it with flour tortillas. They enjoyed dipping the flour tortilla in the sauce....
Recipe from Food Network. BE WARNED!!!!! This is a very spicy dish. You may want to adjust the seasonings accordingly. I repeat, this is a very spicy dish....
Very simple, healthy and delicious meal. If you like quinoa, you'll love this. I've brought it to many potlucks; it always gets positive remarks. I sometimes...
I just love a good curry. The secret, in my opinion, is the best curry paste you can find so if you have a local Asian grocer that stocks a homemade paste...
This makes for a really good authentic curry: beware this isn't the kind of dish you make when you are out of time. everything needs to be fried really...
This recipe is a variation of the traditional kormas of India since beef is not served within the country due to the Hindu sacred regard for cattle. This...