This simple vegetarian dish cooks in your crockpot and results in plump tender pintos in a flavorful sauce. The taste is southwestern with cumin, garlic...
A yummy slow cooked 15 Bean Soup recipe,packed with flavor and goodness - this meal is a great one to set and forget!Nothing beats a slow cooked meal that...
So easy to prepare this crockpot beef barbacoa is sure to become a family favorite. With help from a very quick sauce this Mexican barbacoa recipe is a...
The Ultimate Creamy Crock Pot Chicken Tortilla Soup recipe filled with tex-mex vegetables, chicken and fresh cilantro. This Creamy Chicken Tortilla Soup...
Have you been looking for slow cooker recipes for round steaks? How about this crock pot swiss's super easy, yummy AND it works as a freezer...
This brown sugar and garlic chicken Crockpot recipe is the perfect mix of savory and sweet. Tender chicken flavored with a great balance of garlic and...
Make a satisfying slow cooker meal by making your own beef enchiladas with all the Mexican festive spirit. If you're trying to keep your diet low on carbs,...
A recipe one for those who'd rather prepare and just leave it to simmer and gather up all the flavors. This crockpot recipe is perfect for those who'd...
This delicious Slow Cooker Hawaiian Pork Chops Recipe is also a great freezer meal! I prepared this meal in an afternoon when doing twenty crockpot freezer...