Get all of the s'mores yumminess without leaving the kitchen! Just fill a jar with graham crackers, marshmallows, chocolate and you guessed it--Baileys...
The ULTIMATE Dirty Martini - shaken, not stirred - and made with just 2 ingredients! This version combines vodka and olive juice and skips the vermouth...
This creamy spiced Pumpkin Martini recipe is quick and easy with canned pumpkin and tastes like fall. Shake up one of these seasonal vodka drinks for all...
Get all of the s'mores yumminess without leaving the kitchen! Just fill a jar with graham crackers, marshmallows, chocolate and you guessed it--Baileys...
This is a super easy cocktail to just eyeball and make to taste. If you want, just squeeze a half of a lime into the cocktail instead of measuring. The...
This Sidecar Cocktail Recipe is low in calories and packs a punch! Learn how to make a sidecar drink, and what sidecar liquor to use for the best cocktail...
We made two batches of this and got 11 fifth size bottles. This is a popular drink in Italy. you'd most likely find a few bottles in the freezer of any...
The reliable pairing for chips and salsa and Mexican food of every stripe, the margarita is a versatile template for all sorts of flavorings, too. This...
There are many different ways to make Coquito ......some people add sweetened condensed milk along with egg yokes. I don't use either of these two items....
want an out of this world Chocolate experience try this recipe. No one will believe you made it Cocoa nibs are Slightly roasted and crushed cocoa beans....
Almost everyone knows the Space Needle was built for the 1962 Seattle World's Fair. I saw a vintage cocktail menu from the Eye of the Needle (the Space...
Mocha Liqueur takes the best of two worlds Coffee and Chocolate and makes them one. This one is that blend only better. A must try. Although they do sell...
Get all of the s'mores yumminess without leaving the kitchen! Just fill a jar with graham crackers, marshmallows, chocolate and you guessed it--Baileys...
I wanted to create a simple drink during a Green Bay Packers game. I thought green and yellow, lemon and lime. Unbeknownst it was during the same game...
This classic St. Patrick's Day drink is simply a shot glass filled with Irish cream and Irish whiskey, dropped into a glass of stout beer. The combination...
This recipe comes from my son who used to work in a restaurant in San Diego, California. And this was one of the most popular cocktails served in the lounge....
Sgroppino is a lemon-based Italian cocktail that originated in Sicily. It's pronounced s-gro-PEEN-yoe. It's a simple yet refreshing cocktail consisting...
This is a recipe that was in my facebook feed one day. It sounded so good, so I jotted it down to try. It's a great cocktail with a tangy zing to it. I...
This is a popular cocktail in the Bahamas. It was first created at the Little Blue Bee bar in Abaco (Bahamas). The recipe has been a highly guarded secret,...