This easy basic recipe for rice salad comes from Mark Bittman's How to Cook Everything Vegetarian. Turning it into an side dish for Japanese, Mexican,...
Until recently, we had always thought of duck à l'orange as a tired cliché of the 1960s, so it was a surprise to find out how delightful this old recipe...
Sometimes simplicity speaks volumes. Our lemon loaf recipe is very straightforward. We do not add poppy seeds, pecans, or any other extraneous ingredient....
There are different ways to make a lemon tart. At Bouchon, the French Laundry, and Per Se, we use a sabayon method, in which the eggs are first cooked...
Preserved lemons, sold loose in the souks, are one of the indispensable ingredients of Moroccan cooking, used in fragrant lamb and vegetable tagines, recipes...
Tortillas aren't the only depository for beans, corn and tomatoes. With a Mexican Chopped Salad, let romaine lettuce do the job. Feta cheese supplies a...
An easy Roasted Beet Salad recipe. The delicate beet greens; which are an excellent source of potassium, folic acid, and magnesium - make this dish even...
This is as pretty as it is easy. The sweet and sour salad dressing would be delicious on a variety of other salads as well. Paula Deen made this on Food...
We usually encounter only one version of Brazil's signature dish in this country - the one from Bahia, rich and almost currylike with coconut milk and...
Artichokes are delicious, but they are also time-consuming to prepare. In this modern take on an Italian classic, frozen artichokes provide plenty of flavor...