These visually impressive individual chocolate soufflés are perfect for your special someone. If you're serving more people, the recipe should scale up...
This is a no-bake pudding dessert that's so quick and easy to make--everyone loves it. I always keep the ingredients on hand in case I need a quick dessert....
Chocolate graham crackers layered between creamy vanilla custard, topped with chocolate glaze. Very rich and habit forming. Everyone I have made this for...
Angel food cake, Butterfinger® candy bars and Cool Whip® are the well known favorites in this delightful (and easy) no-bake dessert. Looks great in a...
This is the white chocolate lovers' equivalent to heaven. Creamy sweet fudge with pecans. Serve it alongside traditional chocolate fudge for a beautiful...
This is a very quick and simple no bake dessert cake. I've been making it for years without a written recipe. I have also tried it with different flavors...
This was my aunt's recipe for fudge, passed down through the family. It's better than any fudge I've ever had at the Jersey shore, and easy enough to whip...
Chocolate puffs with chocolate cream filling are a favorite with this family. They aren't difficult to make and most of the required time is hands off....
These caramels are easy and WONDERFUL for anytime of the year! Everyone loves them! I can't make enough of them. You can omit the chocolate and just have...
This cake is very easy, very rich, and very good! You may substitute vanilla pudding for a less chocolaty cake, or substitute semi-sweet chocolate chips...
Legend has it that this dessert was the result of a major catering disaster. The dessert for this particular event was to be individual chocolate cakes,...
Homemade chocolate that melts in your mouth. Made without artificial ingredients or waxes, this wholesome treat is ideal for the health conscious individual...
This is a black and white cookie recipe I've compiled together from many sources on the internet (mainly Brown Eyed Baker for the cookie, and Hemstrought's...
This is a rich, moist coconut cake. I frost it with whipped white chocolate ganache. Sometimes I sprinkle it with toasted shredded coconut. It can also...
A cute and simple little Halloween treat that everyone will love. The amount this recipe makes depends on how many cookies and chocolate kisses you have....
I made this once for a family gathering and now everyone insists that it be at every gathering! It's so easy; you use a box cake mix! For chopping the...
Ridged potato chips are dipped into tempered milk chocolate for an elegant treat that everyone will enjoy. This recipe also works for pretzels, popcorn...
This cake is amazing. As my father-in-law says, "This is better than my Mom's cake". Plan ahead because this cake takes time and effort to make. But it's...
I taught my daughter to make this when she was three. It has become our signature cake with her friends, and mine as well. This recipe is so easy and so...
Graham crackers with melted marshmallows and chocolate. Prepared over an open flame, this camping favorite is great for the holidays, too. Not recommended...
This recipe has been around longer than I have. It is one of those recipes that I never mess up. I make this for school lunches and press into muffin tins...
The cake layers are made with white chocolate and whipped cream and flavored with almond extract. The frosting is a white chocolate buttercream. For an...