After years of adjustments I have found a recipe for all to enjoy. Previous ones were either too hot or too mild, this one even was to the liking of my...
Break out your soup pot and fix up a batch of this delicious, spicy vegetarian chili today! It's ready in no time, and packed with vegetables, beans -...
This chili recipe is many years in the making and I have won several awards with it. I think you'll be pleased with it. You can alter it to your own spice...
This chili contains no onions, beans or tomatoes. It is even better the next day. Season to your tastes as it may be too spicy for you. You can also add...
This delicious chili took 2nd place at our local chili cook-off! Bet you can't eat just one bowl. If it is too thick, add water 1/4 cup at a time until...
This is a very simple and hearty chili with plenty of flavor. It's even better the second day! I serve this with lowfat Cheddar cheese and lowfat sour...
This chili is SO easy to make. You can pretty much throw whatever you have into the pot and it'll be great. (I added some leftover salsa once.) It's very...
This chili verde was one of the first recipes I ever learned. It comes out great even if you don't brown the meat, but I think doing so always adds extra...
This is so easy and so tasty. Freezes great for meals later in the week. If you want it a little thinner add an extra can of tomato sauce. Also the green...
After searching through several recipes, I decided to put this recipe together by using my favorite ingredients. The resulting ground beef chili is flavorful...
My boys and husband love this. Add some corn chips or Cheddar cheese and it is to die for. I have made this for my husband's work and for church functions...
This was handed down to me by Mom, a Cincinnati native. Skimming the fat makes this a healthier version than most, and gives it the right consistency....
This is a recipe given to me by a good friend and co-worker. It has a wonderful flavor that I think anyone can appreciate, especially for a quick fix on...
This is one of my weekly meals for my family! It's easy and delicious. Top with sour cream, Cheddar cheese, chopped onion, green onion, or crushed tortilla...
This is just the best tasting chili. My family prefers it over beef chili. I like to put out toppings such as chopped onion, cilantro, chopped bell pepper,...
After trying several clone recipes and adjusting them to my tastes, I've concocted what I think is the best clone. Serve topped with finely diced white...
This spicy and satisfying chili is made in the slow cooker. Start it before you head off to work, and return to a homemade meal ready to eat! I like to...
I've added pork to ground beef in chili before, but I've never tried it with all Italian sausage, and I loved the results. We Italian'd this up even more...
Make this easier version of chili verde using chicken and a tomatillo-based green salsa instead of roasting and pureeing fresh tomatillos. Note that this...
I never knew what I was missing until my mother-in-law made this! Everyone begged her for the recipe. A nice and easy way to feed a crowd. Thanks to my...
This is the chili recipe the gang eats at Purdue Boilermaker football games. I always prep and cook the chili the night before and then reheat the next...
This is so incredibly easy, and I have made it numerous times. I love making this for freezer meals and passing it along to my friends with new babies....
You'll love this chili if you tend to like foods from the Middle East, the Mediterranean, Greek food, or Indian food, because of the spices and flavor...
This hearty chili is truly a snap to prepare. After browning the beef and stirring in the spices to give them a slightly toasted flavor, you simply toss...
Hot chili is a very underrated summer menu item. Bring a big ol' thermos of this to a picnic or other warm weather cookout, and it makes a great side to...
The chipotle peppers give this slow cooker chili a subtle, smoky flavor. Add more minced chipotle peppers to taste. Serve with sour cream, sharp Cheddar...
A great alternative to regular chili. This dish has a unique taste that even the pickiest eater will enjoy. Make sure you spice this one to taste! Garnish...
My husband won't eat beans but LOVES chili, so I had to come up with this variation on an old favorite. Instead, it contains lots of canned tomatoes and...
Hearty chicken chili with a bit of zip from RO*TEL® tomatoes. Cream cheese makes it richer and creamier than a standard broth-based white chicken chili....
Contrary to the title, it doesn't have men in it. However it is a man's best friend, it's thick, not as tomato-ey as most chili's. Best served with fresh...