This takes no time to prepare, I have tryed this using different flavor soups, I find that cream of chicken and celery are the best, or use 2 cans cream...
Easy to assemble, deliciously creamy and a great choice for once-a-month cooking. And there is NO canned cream soup in my enchiladas -- Hope you give them...
These are delicious! And much more cost-effective than buying chicken nuggets. Nice and juicy, yet crisp on the outside, too. Yummy, yummy! For an Italian...
The BBQ sauce on this juicy grilled chicken is out-of-this world! We "wow" people with this recipe every summer during outdoor entertaining. I always double...
ABSOLUTELY DELICIOUS! Tender and moist pieces of chicken in a savory mushroom cream sauce. A specialty dinner to impress your family. Easy and quick preparation!...
This chicken is nice and crunchy with just a tiny little bite from the cayenne. Enjoy it alone, topped with honey-mustard dressing or atop a salad (See...
Yes, what else...another recipe using Mae Ploy's sweet chili sauce. This is a stovetop recipe, but am certain grilling would be wonderful. Should you want...
This is an easy version of cordon blue. If you have never tried to make it before because it sounds intimidating, then you are missing out! This is a really...
A cast-iron skillet will work the best for this recipe, this also works well using beef that has been pounded thinly. Serve with fries or mashed
Wow! This is even better than the BEST I have had in my fave Chinese restaurant. To make the meal go quickly prep everything the day or night before and...
I got this recipe from one of my mom's church cookbooks. I always seem to find the best tasting recipe in church cookbooks! This recipe uses boneless chicken...
After looking on the internet for days for a Chick-Fil-A copycat and finding only plain old fried chicken recipes, I decided to try and imitate it myself....
I searched and finally found this recipe on the internet. It is a copycat of the Bourbon Chicken sold in Chinese carry-outs in my hometown. This recipe...
This chicken recipe is so easy, I hesitated in posting it. But I couldn't find it posted here, and it's so good, I thought I'd share it. It's my favorite...
This is out of an old Pillsbury cookbook called "Real Home Cooking" dated say's that strips of chicken and chunks of pineapple bake in a sweet-sour...
I'm not sure where I got this recipe but it is very good. I usually throw some chicken breasts in a ziploc bag and add this marinade and then freeze. All...
This is not at all hard to put together, it's an amazing dish to serve to dinner guests and I have done so many times over the years and have always receive...
I adopted this recipe from the Recipezaar account, and I'm so glad that I did. This has become a regular addition to my OAMC and I have created a public...
These are so fast and just plain delicious as either an entree or an appetizer. The aroma is just like pizza as they're baking, very tempting! They're...
Have a cold or the flu? Try this soup to kick up your immune system and get healthy fast! Plus, this soup tastes SO good. My husband loves it! (Whew!)...
My family used to celebrate every major event at this hole in the wall family owned Japanese steakhouse that closed down so rationally I had to start making...
We love having chicken spiedini at a local italian restaurant. I found this recipe in our local newspaper and gave it a try. We thought it was great and...
This is an adaptation of a recipe that I found on Dr. Weil's website. Great on the grill even though the original recipe called for broiling the meat....
Delicious meets healthy in the calorie friendly main dish. The credit goes to a recipe card picked up at the farmer's market. Only 15 minutes prep time...
This delicious chicken and easy creamy tarragon wine sauce cook right on the stove top. People will think you went to culinary school to learn how to make...
I tried this recipe from the Every Food magazine and DH and I just loved it. The flavor, with garlic, parmesan, and a wine sauce, take it beyond the average...
This is a recipe that has been a family favorite for decades. My aunt gave it to my mom when she asked for it, I don't know where my aunt got this recipe....
I found this on a blog called "Stick a Fork In It" and I am posting for safekeeping. It sounds delightfully easy and delicious. Mix it up, throw it in...
As a lover of Indian food, I searched and experimented for a long time before finally coming up with this recipe for genuine Indian restaurant-style tandoori...