Cauliflower in a creamy cheese sauce is a perfect keto recipe and delicious to boot! Make sure you season well with salt and pepper (nutmeg tastes great...
A Southern take on the traditional sweet potato casserole; a creamy sweet potato base covered liberally with a crunchy pecan praline topping. This dish...
I had a recipe for a 4-cheese baked spaghetti squash that I really liked, but it was hard to eat. It was baked in the shell of the squash, and then mixed...
Contrary to popular belief, souffles are not very difficult, as long as you respect the laws of physics. I hope you give this recipe a try, and also experiment...
No cans here! Fresh mushrooms, onion, and herbs with frozen green beans, sour cream, and cheddar cheese make this a delightfully tasty twist on the traditional...
My grandmother used to make this for us on Easter. She recently revived the dish and I begged her for the recipe. It is now a staple to all my cookouts...
Want a quick and easy weeknight meal? Try this tater tot casserole recipe. It's filled with tater tots, ground hamburger meat, and cheese (how can that...
Once you taste this, you won't ever go back to the marshmallow-topped variety! I have peeled and cooked in the microwave, and also boiled the sweet potatoes....
This has become a must-have at Thanksgiving. It's so good it tastes like it could be dessert! Even people who don't usually like squash change their mind...
This is an easy-to-make family favorite and has always been served as a side dish at our Thanksgiving dinners. Don't let the horseradish scare you. It...
This recipe was the 'birthday dinner' recipe that my husband requested from his mom when he was young. After she passed away, he thought the recipe was...
What Americans call yams are actually a variety of sweet potato. Fragrant sweet potatoes layered with Granny Smith apples and topped with a sweet mixture...
Light and fluffy mashed and baked rutabagas with dill, green onions, and a savory crumble topping. This is an altered version of the many root vegetable...
This surprising twist to traditional corn bread pudding will become a new family favorite. This is a great side dish or a light dessert. Be sure to add...
My mom came up with this recipe when I was a teenage vegetarian, and now it is one of my meat-loving husband's favorite dishes and still one of mine to...
This savory casserole is an almost classic gratin dauphinois (potatoes au gratin), with squash standing in for half of the potatoes and low-fat milk substituting...
Capirotada is a seasonal dish eaten for Lent or Cuaresma, a time of the year when many Mexican households whip up meatless meals on Fridays. This cinnamon-scented...
This is an excellent side dish to accompany ham, turkey, etc. I always have requests for this dish during the holidays! This can be made ahead, refrigerated,...
Super simple side dish, perfect for holiday or everyday meals. Goes great with chicken, turkey, ham, or pork. Can also double as a not-too-sweet dessert...
This recipe has been in my family for as long as I can remember. We only got to have it at holidays. Now, I use it for a special go-to side dish all year...
This recipe was given to me by my aunt and is now a standard in my home by request for holidays and potlucks. It's yummy onion flavor and nut topping go...
This Runza casserole is amazing. The crescent dough that sandwiches in the casserole on the top and bottom is slightly buttery and sweet. A nice contrast...
Thanksgiving wouldn't be the same without this recipe! We could do without the turkey, but not grandma's sweet potato casserole. Believe me, you will love...
I'm always looking for a way to recycle leftovers, and this casserole is a great way to do just that. To leftover ham and a bit of cabbage, add some fridge...
My entire family has always hated yams until I made this dish 15 years ago. Now everyone looks forward to this dish during the holidays. However, I do...