I made this cheesy cauliflower dish for dinner one night when my husband was gone. It was so good the boys and I ended up not eating anything else but...
Just in time for Christmas! I have NEVER served this in 25 years without raves or requests for the recipe. Note: the sour cream and cheese can be lowfat...
This old southern recipe goes well with all kinds of meals. Especially at the holidays. It is always requested at all the holiday meals, and there is never...
This recipe is in great demand from my friends and family. It tastes similar to sweet potato souffle, with a custard-like texture. Use with any meal that...
Go figure - everyone is being good and posting healthy meals since it is the beginning of the year, and here I am tempting you with a very unhealthy dish!...
I make this every year for our Thanksgiving dinner, and my family always looks forward to having it. It's one of those recipes that looks like you've spent...
An awesome traditional favorite to have at every cookout or holiday table. These smokey, sweet beans are great with a variety of meats and are a wonderful...
This wonderful combination of sweet onions, Swiss cheese, and rice is a tasty side dish for anything from grilled meats to roasted poultry. It is a favorite...
This is my Grandmother's recipe that I'm always asked to bring to dinners. If I'm going to a picnic I just put everything into a crock pot and 4 hours...
Creamy broccoli casserole that is a great way to get kids to eat their vegetables! If you are going to freeze or refrigerate until later, do not add the...
Serve this barley casserole with beef, chicken, or fish instead of rice or potatoes. It's simple to put together and bakes in the oven along with the beef,...
Great dish when you are tired of the same old thing. I always get asked for the recipe if I bring it to a potluck. I usually use the frozen bag of mixed...
This classic au gratin recipe is one of my favorites. Perfect next to your holiday ham or turkey, this green bean casserole has a creamy, rich cheese sauce...
Substitute Grana Padano cheese for Parmesan if desired. You can cube butternut squash a food processor with the pommes frites (french fry) cutter and then...
A co-worker brought this casserole to one of our potlucks. After I got the recipe, I made it for one of my family's Thanksgiving dinners and it has been...
The hash brown casserole (aka funeral potatoes) have always been a food day favorite at my work but the topic came up and I discovered that my husband...
This family favorite makes a wonderful addition to your festive table. Sweet and hearty. Wonderful with turkey or ham. Cranberries are optional and can...
Sweet potatoes have been a holiday staple for many years and score 101 next to the regular white potato. Combining them with a coconut streusel topping...
This is an original recipe for those who like trying something a little different. Using cranberries, walnuts, and golden raisins, you can make a stuffing...
The best sweet potato casserole ever! This recipe was handed down to me by my mother-in-law. I get so many compliments on this dish and so many requests...