This recipe uses a pre-made mix that will keep for several weeks. You can look at the recipe for Basic Cookie Mix here at! Use 2 cups for...
I bake these creepy skeleton cookies every year for Halloween, but they work also for Day of the Dead. You can use any cut-out-cookie recipe as the base....
I've been making and eating these cookies for as long as I can remember. They are perhaps one of my favorite cookies of all time. No Italian Cookie tray...
I grew up thinking that a snickerdoodle involved an actual Snickers, and a white cookie with cinnamon sugar was called something else. I have been educated,...
The smell of these cookies take me straight back to when I was a little kid, running into the house checking the cookie jar because I knew mom had made...
Gluten-free brownies! These little things make me so happy! They are a perfect combination of brownie flavor and fudge-like texture. Plus, when I bake...
This is a recipe I found in one of my grandma's recipe books, and she had them titled Wundervulle Schokoladenkuchen, and they really are wonderful! It...
A rich, crisp, sugar type cookie that is easy to make. The mayonnaise takes the place of the shortening and eggs. My son says it is possibly the world's...
An old standby recipe that has been made in thousands of households over the years! Now that M&Ms are available in colors appropriate for most all the...
A spicy, molasses-y cookie crust and topping with a creamy cheesecake filling makes for a lovely treat! I enjoy the orange-gingerbread flavor combination--but...
Each recipe makes about three dozen cookies, depending on the size of the cookie cutters used. The gingerbread cookies are crisp and lightly spiced, while...
These vegan meringues use the liquid from a tin of chickpeas as the substitute for egg whites - genius! Use these vegan meringues wherever you would use...
This is the BEST recipe for gingerbread cookies I have ever tasted. It looks complicated, but isn't. I have used this recipe for many years and always...
An overnight freeze solidifies classic brownie batter (in this case, one of the all-time greats: Alice Medrich's best cocoa brownies) into something entirely...