I was treated to this dish by a St. Louis caterer, Patty Long Catering, and found a similar recipe online, which I modified to my liking. I hope you will...
Broccoli and Brussels sprouts combine and come together in delightful way. If you love Brussels sprouts, this is a nice way to reintroduce them to your...
The Brussels sprouts are cooked in chicken broth and therefore do not have the bitter aftertaste they have when cooked in water. My children love this...
These Brussels sprouts are roasted and flavored with a tangy Asian glaze. You have complete control over how you like them cooked - still crunchy or soft...
What to do with Brussels sprouts? It's all in how you season them, and this recipe creates a visually appealing and flavorful side dish to any meal! This...
Sweet and tart balsamic vinegar pairs well with the bitterness of Brussels sprouts; the bacon adds a smokey flavor. After 10 minutes, there's still some...
Always a hit and much-requested recipe. I suggest you double the recipe 'cause everyone loves it! Have made a day ahead and marinated in fridge. Have found...
Brussels sprouts are so healthy, but coming up with a recipe that pleases a crowd (especially a teenager) can be a challenge. Well, challenge heard, received,...
A hearty dish of roasted Brussels sprouts with all the delicious works: cranberries, roasted garlic, and prosciutto. Perfect for Thanksgiving or paired...
Highly addictive side dish. The trick to an excellent batch is getting the right level of crispy without burning the sprouts, which requires some attention...
This is a great way to liven up Brussels sprouts. The orange and ginger zing pair perfectly with the sprouts' floral flavors. I have a blood orange infused...
Brussels sprouts cooked in a cast iron skillet with bacon, Parmesan cheese, and black garlic. My wife and kids hated Brussels sprouts until I came up with...
Most people don't like Brussels sprouts (or at least think they don't). I have a cure for this problem. This is a must-have at my Thanksgiving and my husband's...
Although Brussels sprouts are often included in holiday menus, this fiber-rich vegetable deserves to be included in meals all winter long. Preparation...
This is a simple preparation that lets the sprouts speak for themselves instead of masking with another flavor. You may be surprised, but if you listen...
This is a super easy side dish. For those of you scared of Brussels sprouts, please give these a try as they have made people who think they don't like...
This is one of my favorite Brussels sprouts dishes and I have literally eaten the whole dish by myself (though I was very, very full afterwards). If you...
This is my favorite veggie dish to make for any special occasion. It is quick and easy to prepare. The almonds and cheese add just the right light, complimentary...
This is one of my favorite recipes that is perfect for any season. These are rich and tangy and smoky brussels and I've found this is my favorite way to...
One of our local surf shops has a killer cafe that sells the most delicious vegetarian salads. This is inspired by a few of the ones I've eaten there....