We love breakfast in this house and a fun way to enjoy it is with these cute little ham and egg cups! Super easy to make and delicious for breakfast or...
Growing up as a marine brat, I was fortunate to have friends from all types of cultural backgrounds, and of course with friends came introduction to different...
Stuff these hearty but easy-to-make burritos with all kinds of people-pleasing ingredients in our Easy Garlic-Chicken Egg Burrito Recipe. This great egg...
Discover your new favorite frittata with this Sweet Potato and Chorizo Frittata recipe. Made with Mexican chorizo, sweet potatoes, green onion, eggs and...
Bring your breakfast sandwich to next level deliciousness with a Breakfast Waffle Sandwich! Hash browns, bacon, eggs, cheddar and a spicy sauce, all sandwiched...
Muffin cups are lined with puff pastry and filled with bacon and egg - a really easy and fun way to serve breakfast. I make it whenever there is a special...
Bite into a breakfast and brunch classic with this Fried Salami & Egg Sandwich. Elevate your skills in the kitchen by adding the peppery and savory flavors...
Easy, inexpensive, delicious breakfast or brunch item that smells great on a Sunday morning. Shown to me by a former Mexican neighbor of mine. I usually...
Discover a new way to make frittatas with this Bacon-Mac and Cheese Frittata recipe. Requiring just five ingredients, this simple Bacon-Mac and Cheese...
The fresh bounty of vegetables at my local farmers market was the inspiration for this breakfast dish. This recipe uses a set of stackable stainless steel...
This delicious Israeli egg and tomato dish makes a great meal any time of day. It is very flavorful and works well as a main dish or as an appetizer. Serve...
A spicy scramble of egg whites, chiles and cheese that'll make cold cereal look...like cold cereal. Top it with salsa and your morning's off to a delicious...
We love breakfast in this house and a fun way to enjoy it is with these cute little ham and egg cups! Super easy to make and delicious for breakfast or...
What started as an easy, delicious way to use the Swiss chard we got in our farm share quickly became a reason to go out and buy it at the farmer's market!...
A delicious casserole that can be altered in many ways to change it from day to day. You may substitute bacon or sausage for the ham if you wish. Add peppers,...
Even if you think you don't like asparagus you have to try this. It is a wonderfully easy quiche-like casserole to throw together for breakfast. This can...
Even if you think you don't like asparagus you have to try this. It is a wonderfully easy quiche-like casserole to throw together for breakfast. This can...