My husband and I created this recipe together. He won a chili cook-off with this recipe at work. We always use venison, but you can use ground beef or...
Costco has a chipotle black bean burger that I love, so I found a basic recipe and tweaked it to meet our tastes. I really enjoy these burgers. They have...
I can easily make this after work, even if I have to prep everything from scratch. The original recipe was adapted from a Better Homes and Gardens Cookbook....
Authentic Cuban-style black beans take a great deal of time but are well worth the wait. It is said that adding a teaspoon of baking soda in the last hour...
Simple, quick, and healthy. Serve this over brown rice for a healthy vegan meal that contains all the amino acids that you need, or try it as a side dish...
This is my Mother's favorite black bean recipe. I think she got it from an old Cuban cookbook. Her note is: "flavorful!" Cooking time doesn't include soaking...
This colorful salad is so easy and refreshing! Its a perfect side dish for Fajitas or Enchilada's. A great salad to make in advance to take to a barbeque...
This recipe is healthy, simple, and delicious. It goes great with fish, chicken, or meat. I got this recipe from a magazine called inland empire and It...
This was "created" on a day with minimal ingredients in the house. I am more of a fan of ground beef rather than shredded beef but either can be used....
Bright and colorful. Delicious. This goes well with just about any Mexican meal, and is a great take-along for pot lucks too. Cook time is refrigeration...
This is a quick and delicious way to make black beans with a little zing. I served them for a dinner party and it was so easy to make them up in the afternoon...
This recipe is from a Weight Watchers meeting. It is so quick -- I ate it daily when I was on maternity leave with my second son. If I am making it for...
There are a lot of black bean and corn salsa recipes, but I think this one is the freshest tasting salsa because of the frozen corn and that the corn is...
This soup is a mixture of two recipes that I have for black bean soup. I love the flavor and it is great by itself or as an addition to a Mexican dinner....
I served this insanely easy side-dish with my mexican chicken, which is also posted. It was so fast and so easy, I STILL can't believe it. Use a can of...
Authentic black beans made from scratch and WAY better than anything that comes out of a can! Not that there is anything wrong with beans that way! Just...
At last I have achieved the perfect flavour of traditional black beans with the crock pot. It takes long but it is because of the crock pot; preparation...
This is so tasty, and healthy too! We love black beans. Prep time does not include soaking and cooking the beans, but does include cooking the chicken....
Bobby Flay strikes again with this amazing spicy sweet salmon recipe from his Mesa Grill restaurant. Prepare the roasted jalapeno crema and spicy black...
Sometimes I want to serve something other than Mexican rice with Mexican food. This is what I usually turn to. I like the color contrast, especially when...
This is so good served with chicken enchiladas! Feel free to jazz it up a little; I sometimes add more spices. It's quick and easy; perfect for those busy...
I posting this recipe to save it. My husband got this recipe out of Maxim Magazine. We made it to the best of our ability but we had to make substitutions...
This is easy, delicious, colorful, delicious, uses currently-in-season fresh corn and tomatoes, and, oh yes, is really good. I made a double batch of this...
Adapted from a Cooking Light recipe I found years ago. This is QUICK, HEARTY and DELICIOUS, which is great considering it can be made in less than 30 minutes,...
Think meatless equals tasteless? Think again. This is a very good meatless chili courtesy of Emeril Lagasse, 2003. Recipe from See my...
This inexpensive family favorite was adapted from a Chicken and Cheese Enchilada recipe from Campbell's Soup. Easy to assemble, made from ingredients I...
This is the perfect salad to take to a family reunion or potluck. It's colorful, keeps well and is full of flavor without being too spicy or vinegary....
A wonderful side salad that would compliment any Mexican or Southwestern meal. To make it a main dish, you could add chopped cooked meat of your choice...
Feijoada is the national dish of Brazil. It's served everywhere in Brazil, from beach-side stands to the finest restaurants. This version captures the...