This is the best and most delicious salmon recipe, and very easy to prepare. I love maple in everything and put this together one night. My husband totally...
This is an easy, no-mess, no-cleanup recipe that tastes delicious! If I don't feel like scrubbing a lot of pans after dinner, I just throw this in the...
This is a wonderful (and easy) recipe I got from my Aunt. The flavors of lemon and dill really complement the fish. I like to use wild Alaskan salmon for...
Delicious maple-glazed salmon is a little on the sweet side, but not too much. The whole house smells wonderful when this is cooking; it's a great warm...
I served this with spaghetti. I tossed the hot, drained noodles with enough of the sauce to coat, plated the spaghetti, topped with the salmon and dressed...
Canned salmon is a great, inexpensive source of proteins and omegas, and you may have stocked up on a few cans but not known what to do with them. This...
A delicious recipe for salmon in foil - I bought a really large piece of wild salmon and made this when we had guests. Very little prep and the fish came...
Of all the recipes I make, this one is my husband's favorite for salmon. It's made with panko, or Japanese bread crumbs, which are very light and crunchy,...
I got this recipe from a friend and, as a new cook, it is easy to make and delicious to boot! Even when I make this recipe with fewer pieces of salmon...
This recipe couldn't be any easier with only four ingredients -- but it's filled with flavor! Serve with jasmine rice and grilled asparagus for a lovely...
Make ordinary salmon extra special by topping it with a pistachio crust. You can have it on the table in under 30 minutes for a quick weeknight meal or...
An easy recipe for a quick dinner for weeknights with salmon, bell peppers, parsley, and lemon that is ready in about 30 minutes. I usually serve it with...
This super simple apricot-glazed salmon recipe uses only 3 ingredients! The apricot flavor is sweet with a little kick from the spicy mustard. It's easy...
I had a craving for fresh fish and dill, so I played around and came up with this. Its been rated one of my greatest hits! Great with rice or potatoes...
I like to make this for company since you can get it ready ahead of time up until the final baking step. It looks both pretty and impressive, and the orange...
Broiled salmon is incredibly moist and tender and perfect for a weeknight meal. The cooking time will depend on the thickness of the salmon; I suggest...
This is an unbelievably delicious and quick salmon recipe. You can play around with the ingredients: add fresh basil leaves instead of the chili or balsamic...
This recipe for salmon is so simple and delicious, it's crazy! This is great for any weeknight dinner, yet will impress your guests, as well. Serve with...