This is a recipe that my mother used to make. On those chilly fall and winter days I would come home to such a welcoming feast. This is an old recipe and...
This is a great way to preserve apples, with a sweet, subtle brandy flavor to it. They make an excellent pie filling! It should be enough to make three...
I don't usually like 'baking' with the microwave, but this recipe works great. The topping comes out crispy on top, moist inside, and delicious all around....
This is our favorite cake! It is a warm gooey caramel apple slice of hearty goodness! My mother-in-law introduced this recipe to me and I have to share...
A buttery white cake that comes together in minutes but tastes like you spent all day making it. Adding apples and cinnamon with brown sugar in layers...
A buttery white cake that comes together in minutes but tastes like you spent all day making it. Adding apples and cinnamon with brown sugar in layers...
A buttery white cake that comes together in minutes but tastes like you spent all day making it. Adding apples and cinnamon with brown sugar in layers...
The batter of this moist and delicious cake could also be baked in two loaf pans. Reduce baking time to 45 minutes. To make this even more special, dust...
A buttery white cake that comes together in minutes but tastes like you spent all day making it. Adding apples and cinnamon with brown sugar in layers...
A buttery white cake that comes together in minutes but tastes like you spent all day making it. Adding apples and cinnamon with brown sugar in layers...
This is a recipe that I created and it is actually very good! You can use other fruits like raspberries and blackberries. Make sure to cut the apples nice...
Spicy cookies that everyone loves. I've mailed them before and they mail beautifully. I've been making these for about 25 years, and never met anyone yet...
An easy apple strudel recipe with puff pastry that is ready in less than an hour. It tastes especially delicious fresh out of the oven with some vanilla...