Quick and simple, keto and gluten free. Perfect Game Day snack! I like this recipe best with hot sausage for a little kick, but you can make it to your...
One of the most popular appetizers I know of. Fruit always disappears first, especially when served with this dip! Goes especially well with cantaloupe,...
This is a flavorful bread dipping sauce that combines the sweet tartness and richness of both tomato and balsamic, with the nuttiness and freshness of...
These go quickly at gatherings, so be sure to put some to the side for yourself! The smoked salmon flavor blends beautifully with the egg, and the dill...
Here's a great way to use and even enjoy the pheasant the outdoorsmen in your life brings home! This appetizer creates a spicy, crisp and delicious mouthful...
Roasted-pepper green salsa just like grandma makes it, well, minus the molcajete. It's just easier to make in a food processor. The heat of your salsa...
I made these when I had my bar, and they were always a big hit. I made them in large batches because of the standing time, but have scaled the recipe for...
We hunt these every spring and, cooked this way, you can taste the mushroom and they stay crispy. These are the prime rib of mushrooms! You will love these...
Chick peas have a very low glycemic index, which means they create steady blood sugar and are especially healthful for diabetics. Curry powder contains...
Cholesterol busters! These granola bars are a favorite in my house. Natural ingredients, high in fiber, and are easy to make. Store individually in snack...
The best healthy alternative to breaded fried okra. So good with fresh purple hull or field peas on a vegetable plate, or so good served as an appetizer...
This recipe has been tweaked many times over the years and is a great hit. The cucumber wasabi dipping sauce is fantastic! Even the kids love them and...
Thin slices of salmon lounge in a citrus, cilantro and garlic marinade for four hours before being served with chips, rice or tortillas. Fresh ingredients...
For those who aren't big fans of blue cheese, try these meatballs stuffed with feta instead! It's like a surprise in every bite, delivering chicken wing...
This is one of the most amazing and easy cheese appetizers ever. It's got that texture that people love about goat cheese. Basil and tomato have a proven...
Crisp, chewy, and chocolate-y granola bars straight from your own oven! Why buy mediocre-tasting packaged ones full of junk and unknown ingredients? These...
If you thought leftover Thanksgiving stuffing was boring, this dish will change your mind! Any kind of stuffing (sausage, oyster, corn bread, or any variety...
Break out the beef ball and get the party rolling! Dried chipped beef and cheese are rolled into a tantalizing treat that's great with buttery, round crackers,...
My kid's teacher asked for 'non-sweet treats' for a Halloween party. A search of Allrecipes showed there were very few like that, so I took some party...
Your favorite wing recipe plus a bit of black food coloring paste equals one yummy bat wing dish! This is a basic marinade to get you started, but feel...
English muffins, cheese, olives and curry make this wonderfully satisfying appetizer. If you like, you may add some sliced almonds to the spread, or add...
These are a spicy twist on traditional taquitos. The slow cooker gives this recipe ease, while the flavors keep things exciting! Serve with sour cream,...