This is an easy bean salsa. It is very simple and at times I make little changes to reflect my mood, but otherwise, it's simple and delicious. Serve as...
This is a wonderful cheese ball. It is very easy to make and simply delicious. Whenever I make it for gatherings or work it always gets great reviews....
A traditional recipe for this eggplant dip. It consists of baked eggplant with garlic, lemon juice, and tahini sauce. Dip into this with pita bread and...
This is a standard raw tuna (poke) salad served in most Hawaiian homes. Although unconventional, it is sure to please the more adventurous seafood lovers....
This recipe was given to me by my sister-in-law and always goes fast! Cream cheese at the base of the dip makes it extra thick and scoopable. Seasoned...
This spinach dip is a huge hit at parties! It has become one of our favorite appetizers to serve guests when we entertain. Prepare ahead, but serve warm...
Tangy cranberry, creamy brie, and crunchy walnuts come together in a buttery shell for an appetizer that will wow your guests. Bonus: These can be made...
This is a lovely, cool, refreshing Greek tzatziki dip that I first tasted and fell in love with in the Greek Islands. It is lovely with hot toasted pita...
These little goodies are the perfect addition to your next holiday gathering or even the perfect appetizer to serve before a cozy dinner at home. Everyone...
A savory sauce to use as a dip with shrimp or spring rolls, in stir-fries and noodle dishes, even on whole wheat pizza crust instead of typical pizza sauce...
Light, airy, cheese puffs are a versatile addition to a meal or appetizer plate. Tiny, they're like soup nuts. Larger, they pair well with beer or wine....
A sweet and savory treat for any get-together that will sure be a crowd pleaser. It's cheap and easy to make in a slow cooker with only three ingredients....
This recipe makes a huge amount. I can it and give it away as Christmas gifts. We usually make this as a group project to cut down on prep time and cost....
This recipe has been modified slightly over tim, but is always a winner, whether for an appetizer or main dish. It even works with winter store-bought...
This is a wonderful salsa!! It is full of black beans, corn, tomatoes, and onion. I can never make enough when I have a party!! Chill 24 hours before serving...
One of these days Michele and I will travel to the south of France, where we'll eat this amazing tomato tart at least once a day. It's going to be hot,...
These rollups are always a HUGE hit with the kids as well as the adults. A creamy, cheesy salsa mixture provides the filling. They are easy to make and...
This easy-to-make hot dip would make a handsome addition to your snack table for the Big Game. Like all great party foods, it's wonderful hot, warm, room...
This is a true chile con queso that can be eaten with tostadas or in a warm corn tortilla. This is not like the Americanized version of chili con queso...