This recipe makes a huge amount. I can it and give it away as Christmas gifts. We usually make this as a group project to cut down on prep time and cost....
This is a layered antipasto, so you can cut it in square slices neatly and have all the ingredients. This is a beautiful dish that's always a hit! It will...
Fresh, sweet taste, so much better than store-bought, and so easy! Use these marinated peppers as an antipasto, or a very healthy sandwich filling. Experiment...
This is part of an antipasti spread. Serve with crostini, Melba toast, or crackers at room temperature. Store in refrigerator covered. To reuse, bring...
This easy and refreshing starter featuring cantaloupe and cured ham (Parma ham for instance) can also be served as an appetizer: just cut the cantaloupe...
An elegant and easy take on a classic caprese skewer dish. Great for an appetizer at a dinner party. Serve with a small bowl of balsamic vinegar and good...
There are many people, myself included, that think cooking prosciutto is basically a crime against nature; but there are exceptions, and this plate of...
I learned how to make these from my Italian mother-in-law. She doesn't have any of her recipes written down. She just makes them like she always has for...
Fresh, unbaked bites that remind you of a BLT. Quick, easy, and cheap, if you grow your own tomatoes. This can be made a day ahead if tomatoes were drained....
I'm well aware that everyone knows this marinated feta recipe or does it in their own way, but that's how I cook it - it's a quick appetizer for unexpected...
These fried rice balls are full of flavor and are a wonderful appetizer. Pair with any dipping sauce such as pesto, marinara, or use a meat sauce for a...
A refreshing appetizer for the summer, my family loved this so much they ate more than a serving each. Also great for those who love the flavor of caprese...
Thin slices of eggplant are lightly fried, then marinated in a mixture of fresh herbs, garlic, olive oil, and white wine vinegar 8 hours or overnight....
This is a great, easy finger appetizer. I came up with it because I love Caprese but it was difficult to serve at large parties. Putting the same ingredients...
This 2-ingredient Italian appetizer is one of my favorite quick things to serve when I have surprise guests. They taste great with a glass of wine or as...
A friend brought these simple yet delicious and refreshing appetizers to a party recently and I've been making them ever since! They are especially good...
Marinated mushrooms, zesty Havarti cheese, and cocktail rye (or bread of your choice), skewered on frilly toothpicks are a great, simple appetizer with...
Pronounced 'bun-yet,' this is an old world Italian recipe from my Nonie's kitchen. It is made using mainly parsley and garlic and is meant to be eaten...
This Turkish meze is perfect for making ahead of time when you expect guests. The eggplant may also be pan fried, but it requires less oil and tastes better...
These Italian carrot antipasti are delicious but you need to plan ahead, as they have to marinate 1 day in the fridge. Otherwise they are quick and easy...
Delicious and unique vegetarian meal, could be vegan if cheese is omitted. Serve with a thick crust French or Italian bread and salad. Leftovers are amazing...
Juicy peaches snuggle into creamy Burrata cheese, with a sweet/tart balsamic reduction drizzled over the top. Bright fresh basil and flakes of crunchy...
These delicious shallots with balsamic vinegar are lightly sweet and taste great with barbecued steak or with cheese and a glass of red wine. Serve hot...
This dish is easy to prepare and freezes well. Baked eggplant is mixed with an array of vegetables and flavors. It's a great way to make the most of the...
Six ingredients create a perfect appetizer ... or dinner. I love mushrooms on toast during the mushroom season. It takes time to caramelize the onions,...
This is a yummy combo of salami, veggies, olives, and basil. Great for picnics because there's no mayo and it can be made ahead of time. Very versatile...
Fresh sardines are fried to a crispy golden brown, and drizzled with a garlic and white wine vinaigrette then topped off with a sprinkling of fresh mint...
I love this recipe because it's super simple and perfect for a fancy dinner party. The best part is you can make them ahead! I always serve them on individual...
This recipe makes a huge amount. I can it and give it away as Christmas gifts. We usually make this as a group project to cut down on prep time and cost....
This is a layered antipasto, so you can cut it in square slices neatly and have all the ingredients. This is a beautiful dish that's always a hit! It will...
This would make for a creative, and visually arresting start to a Valentine's Day dinner menu. Most carpaccios are pounded very, very thin, but if you're...
A friend brought these simple yet delicious and refreshing appetizers to a party recently and I've been making them ever since! They are especially good...