Loaded with flavor, this Fried Cabbage and Sausage is an easy 30-minute, one-pot meal! Smothered with onion, garlic and bite-size pieces of smoked sausage,...
This Instant Pot No Bean Chili is loaded with ground beef, tomatoes and spices! This keto-friendly chili recipe has just 15 minutes cooking time and about...
These Pan Fried Pork Chops are extra juicy, perfectly seared and are ready in minutes! Pan frying your pork chops in butter and fresh herbs is always the...
This Cilantro Lime Shrimp and Cauliflower Rice is low calorie, low carb, keto-friendly and packed with flavor! This is a 20 minute meal your entire family...
A great sandwich to make using up Thanksgiving leftovers, this turkey cranberry monte cristo is perfect for brunch or lunch with it's sweet and savory...
Enjoy Bacon Wrapped Chicken with Avocado Salsa for an easy weeknight meal! This low carb dish contains just 3 net carbs per serving and is ready in under...
One Pan Shrimp Pasta is the ultimate weeknight meal, ready in just 15 minutes! Tender pasta, succulent shrimp, and a creamy pasta is made better with tangy...
Sheet Pan Roasted Broccoli is a super easy side dish that can be made any weeknight. Oven-roasted broccoli has a depth of flavor that steamed broccoli...