Red split lentils cook even more quickly than other types, making them ideal for weeknight dinners. Turn them into a meal by pairing with savory spiced...
This is a simple, easy microwave technique recipe for toasting nuts! Especially handy for those who own a microwave, but have no stove or oven. TIPS: Microwave...
This is from Modernist Cooking and here's what they say,"One of the easiest ways to try out molecular gastronomy is by creating "pearls". Most pearls are...
In this dish, the fleshy artichokes get browned and crispy tops and look like strange, beautiful roses. The acidity in the white wine cuts through the...
This is the easiest chocolate cake in the world-perhaps in the universe! You don't even need eggs, butter, or milk, and you probably have all the ingredients...
From Real Simple Magazine. I serve this with sliced, toasted baguettes and along side the chickpea and balsamic vinegar tapenade and the walnuts and parmesan...
Butternut squash, red lentils, and sweet potato are wrapped in a lightly sweet and creamy coconut and tomato broth accented with spicy notes of turmeric,...
Bite-size and crispy, these mushrooms are always a crowd favorite. The star ingredient here is the nutritional yeast, a plant-based ingredient that has...
Your clothes will come out soft without any detergent residue and will have a nice mild scent. Make smaller batches if you prefer to change the fragrance...