This is a tastier alternative to marinating meat. A rub gives a fuller flavor to any meat. This rub can be used for just about any meat (I personally favor...
I got this from a book called Quick Fix Vegetarian. The recipes are all wonderful and fast to make. I felt a little funny about lentils in my spaghetti...
Quinoa is a high-protein grain native to South America. You can find it in most health food stores and some grocery stores. This is a simple, delicious...
When the holiday excesses are over and the lights are low, the time comes for quiet, simple dinners. This light, lively pasta is a welcome relief from...
This dish is so tasty and satisfying that you'll be happy to eat it for days, and so healthful and nutritious that you should eat it for days. And it is...
These crunchy, addictive chips will have your whole family begging for more kale. They are wonderful served alongside sandwiches, on their own as an afternoon...
Pickled red onions - a staple at meals throughoutu the Yucatÿn peninsula - are one of our all-time favorite condiiments. They are wonderful piled on a...
Don't even think about lifting this cake out of the pan before it's completely-and we mean completely-cool. Because it's vegan, with no eggs for structure,...