Can't get enough of pumpkin pie spice? With this easy whipped cream, you can add it to everything: our awesome Build-Your-Own Thanksgiving Pie Bar, the...
I use lard for my crusts because I love the rich flavor and short texture, but an all-butter dough results in an even flakier crust, should you choose...
The sweet, fresh flavor of these orange cupcakes, studded with tart cranberries (fresh and frozen work equally well), makes for a vibrant holiday dessert...
This recipe has one of the most un-pie pie fillings you'll ever come across. There's nothing moist or juicy about it, and the name itself could very well...
I found this recipe in The Wine Spectator, and ever since have given up making my old standby which was Apple, Pecan and Sausage stuffing. I normally make...
A whole pecan pie is a lot of work if you're just serving dessert to two or four people. Instead, make this elegant little galette studded with whiskey-soaked...
Caramelized sugar laces this classic with a sensuous richness, extraordinary in the context of this unbelievably light and delicately spiced pie. And since...
Step aside, cornbread. In Pennsylvania Dutch country, dried sweet corn is an essential part of the Thanksgiving table. Soak it in milk and cream for at...
This easy Thanksgiving breast is just the right amount to serve two with leftovers, or four for dinner. While the turkey roasts, its juices mingle in the...