Yummy Iranian stew. Can be hot, depending on how much of the spices you wish to put in. Very little prep, especially if you skip the potatoes, but this...
This hearty harvest recipe is perfect for the coldest nights but stands up just as well to the summer heat. Using frozen vegetables, you can put together...
I love the green chilies in this stew and the rich, flavorful sauce of this stew is wonderful! Serve over rice, or with a crusty bread, and salad for a...
A friend gave me this recipe for this hearty comfy stew several years ago and I make it often. It is great on a chilly winter's night. With only a few...
This recipe was (after much prodding) given to me by a friend. The soup seems an odd addition, but replaces the traditional roux -- and the end result...
This dish started after the Korean War when food was in short supply. Canned ham, hot dogs, and beans were taken from American military bases and mixed...
This savory pinto bean and ground beef stew is perfect for cilantro lovers. The combination of Mexican spices makes this a quick family favorite. Serve...
A delicious, sweet, and fragrant tagine usually made for Eid al-Adha, but also perfect for winter days. This dish is best made a day in advance, as it...
This jambalaya may have been a few places since the bayou, but it's a thick, rich dish that everyone will love! I've experimented with many types of seafood...
This simple but hearty meal is made with hamburger, potatoes, green beans, and diced tomatoes cooked in a delicious broth. Perfect for serving on those...
Original German rabbit stew recipe passed down from my great-grandmother who immigrated to US in 1889. This is a lot of work to make but well worth it....
The flavor for this recipe comes mainly from the spice rub I put on the meat at the start. The spices and their aromas just get locked into the beef and...
There were no microwaves when my mom made this, so she did it on the stove top. She never gave us the recipe and I have discovered it through trial and...
This is an old recipe, made by my grandmother who lived on an island in the North Atlantic, long before 'goulash' was made with ground beef. It was our...
My family loves a lot of flavor and spice in our food and jambalaya delivers. This is my version of a New Orleans jambalaya that's got a nice kick to it...
Peanuts are an important part of many African cuisines. Combined with sweet potatoes, chickpeas, and kale, they give this stew a power punch of nutrients...
My husband loves this quicker, hearty version of an old-time favorite! Lower-salt ingredients also work well. Use the simmer time to call a friend, start...
Gumbo filled with shrimp, crab, chicken, sausage, vegetables, and Cajun spices. I've also included crab and/or scallops in this recipe. Serve over rice,...
This is a basic gumbo recipe with a lot of added flavor. You can omit the stew meat if you choose or add something in its place. I recommend you serve...
Dis is da toe curlin Texicajun hybrid of a classic dish. This will put a smile on everyone's face that's eatin it. Throw on some Zydeco music and serve...
This easy jambalaya is made all in one pot--your Instant Pot®! Heat lovers can double the hot pepper sauce to give it an extra kick. Serve over white...
This recipe is a wonderful combination of all things bringing good luck for the New Year. Black-eyed peas bring luck and the cabbage brings money. Don't...
I remember having a delicious lentil stew at an ethnic night hosted by my preschool when I was four. I loved it but my mom, while an accomplished cook,...
Great for finishing off that holiday ham that just won't quit! Also able to freeze and save for later if hammed out. Two of my 3 young sons loved it. The...
When my children were young, we camped most weekends in the summer. Saturday night was usually 'catfish night' with fish straight from the lake into the...
I needed to use up some chicken, and we had been given a lot of pumpkins...so I began to look for a recipe which would take advantage of my ingredients....
Goulash is perfect for the slow cooker - I usually prepare all the ingredients the night before and then throw everything in the slow cooker the next morning....
Chicken, onions, finely processed walnuts, and pomegranate juice are simmered to perfection. The sauce should be as thick as a good chili. Serve with saffron...
Great fall soup that really is the consistency of a stew. Substitute vegetables based on availability. Add chicken, pork, or stew meat if desired. Can...