A good meal to freeze and throw in the slow cooker on a busy day. I prefer the rice cooked separately. You can substitute Creole seasoning for the Cajun...
This is a recipe I shared with my girlfriends from my recipe club last year! It is a yummy alternative to corned beef for St. Pat's Day and a wonderful...
I discovered this one day while trying to use up some leftover canned tomatoes and celery. You could probably double, triple, etc. the ingredients and...
A jambalaya for the low-carb and paleo crowd. It's rice free, with extra veggies to make up the volume. Just as delicious and flavorful as traditional...
This is a wonderful and easy stovetop preparation that is a hearty meal for the whole family. I often serve it over rice or orzo, with a nice tomato and...
I've been using this recipe for over 20 years, ever since I moved to South Carolina. It can be adjusted to serve any number. Allow 2 tablespoons of seasoning...
This is based on a Filipino stew recipe called caldereta. It is usually served with rice. I suggest marinating the meat for at least 6 hours. The serving...
Burgoo is a traditional Kentuckian stew made from a mixture of ingredients, and served commonly at the Kentucky Derby. Serve this hearty dish Southern-style...
This hearty and delicious stew is perfect for the rainy days of fall. By adding more vegetables and using reduced-sodium beef broth I make this recipe...
A Filipino beef stew traditionally cooked with goat, but it's usually not available in most markets. You can get creative with this dish such as adding...
This is one of Puerto Rico's favorites. My family loves it when I make this, especially my husband. I hope you enjoy it too! Because of the time it takes,...
This is how my mother in law makes beef stew and she is from Alabama. As southern as you can get. Do not use generic tomatoes, they make this bland. I...
I grew up in Kansas City, where my parent's would go to Shoney's once a week. They had an all-you-can-eat soup and salad bar and it was the highlight of...
This is a really versatile recipe. I vary it depending on what I have in the fridge. I think the most important ingredients are the onion, garlic, and...
This stew will keep you warm and cozy on those cold winter days!! I got this recipe together after months of harassing my friends in New Mexico in search...
This is a marvelous autumn potluck dinner. Everyone will be very impressed with this thick beef stew made and served in a pumpkin shell! Use a 10- to-12...
Beef chuck stewed with potatoes, carrots, celery, onions and beef broth for a homey favorite. The aroma that permeates throughout the house while the stew...
This is a sweet and spicy stew that you start in the morning and let the slow cooker do the rest. It is a great way to bring in the fall season because...
An authentic Louisiana recipe with a rich and spicy fresh tomato based roux with fresh garlic, bell peppers, celery and onions mixed with crawfish and...
This low-and-slow beef stew is very easy to prepare. It's just perfect for a lazy weekend supper. Once everything is in the pot, let the oven finish up...
This is a delicious, hearty, heart-friendly vegetarian stew. I serve it with polenta, but it would be equally yummy ladled over mashed potatoes, sweet...
This is an incredibly easy and quick soup that is awesome. It will really warm you up on a cold day. My family loves it. Try substituting ground turkey...
A hearty and satisfying Polish stew with cannellini beans, bacon, and kielbasa. Served with crusty bread it's a meal that sticks to the bones, perfect...
This thick gumbo soup combines smoked sausage, chicken, tomatoes, rice, and okra for a delicious and hearty meal. It's great to serve with cornbread muffins...
This is the authentic way to make Pollo Fricassee in Puerto Rico. You can either make in on the stove or in your slow cooker. It is delicious and very...