The slow cooker allows the vegetables and chicken to all meld the flavors together and have a thick, creamy texture to the liquid. It takes a while but...
This is and adaptation of a recipe my sister in law gave me. It is hearty and delicious. You can make it as spicy or as mild as you like to your taste...
My mother used to make beef stew in a pressure cooker at least once a week. I crave it all the time and have doctored up the flavor so it's no longer just...
This soup is a tradition in my family. We usually eat this wonderful spicy stew every Sunday afternoon after church. Warning, this soup can be really spicy,...
My own adaptation of frogmore stew. An easy southern comfort dish...just throw it all in the pot! Serve in large bowls as a stew. Peel shrimp and crab...
Hearty New Mexico inspired dish that can be made vegetarian simply by omitting the pork. This can be labor intensive and will test your multi-tasking skills...
Inspired by the wonderful spices and flavors used in Moroccan cuisine, this wonderful stew is a hearty one-dish meal. We like to double the recipe and...
A recipe this simple has many advantages. It's fast, easy, and doesn't require a ton of prep, but the downside is, there's nowhere to hide subpar ingredients....
This delicious chicken and mushroom stew is easy to make, flexible, and with layers of flavor it has a real comfort food richness but with a little zing!...
I like to make this chile for my Mexican husband, who also doesn't like tomatoes in his chile. This is a very Mexican chile. If you decide to add beans,...
Gumbo doesn't have to be hard! Instead of slowly cooking and stirring a roux for what seems like forever, try this alternative baked method. It's not a...
Beef neck bones are a Southern staple recipe. I couldn't find a recipe online, so I created this one on my own by pulling from some of my favorite oxtail,...
I received this recipe when I was in the third grade. Our teacher made this for us in class on St. Patrick's Day, and I've made this very simple, hearty...
Excellent in a pressure cooker! I tried it once in a slow cooker: not as flavorful. I adapted a recipe that came with my pressure cooker. It is also known...
Lentils, chick peas, and veggies in a highly aromatic stew. This is a delicious and hearty recipe that is worth the effort. I make this ahead of time for...
This is a variation on a recipe from Ontario Turkey. We like our version much better. The difference is poultry seasoning, no wine, and starting with cooked...
This is a very substantial beef stew that is enhanced by roasting to the vegetables prior to adding to the stew. I have perfected it over the years and...
A stew full of not only chicken and potatoes but carrots, onion, mushrooms, mixed veggies and a smattering of herbs and spices. It is fine to substitute...
This is definitely a cheater version of cassoulet, but a nice change of pace for a weeknight crock pot meal! Serve with French bread to sop up the lovely...
This super easy but hearty dish is full of flavor and absolutely delicious! It's a simplified version of a common Brazilian dish that I remember from my...
Veal chunks are stewed with vegetables until tender and flavorful. This classic Italian dish is less soupy than stews from other cuisines. Even though...
My husband's grandmother taught me this recipe. She actually cooked for Cajun festivals. She used 40-gallon trash cans for her stock pots. People would...
Making gumbo can be time consuming, so speed things up by using your multi-functional pressure cooker. Garnish with chopped flat leaf parsley, if desired,...
I learned this recipe in the Boy Scouts and it is the perfect recipe for guys living on their own. It's quick and easy and very difficult to mess up. If...
With many spices that light up the flavors and chicken that falls from the bone, this hearty dish gets them asking for seconds. Eggplant never had it so...