This is the best jambalaya you will ever eat! So easy; cook the vegetables and add everything into a casserole dish and bake! Some hearty bread on the...
This is a tasty, spicy dish for a cold fall or winter evening and can be a good way to introduce goat to people who think they don't like goat. If you're...
This stew is hearty and makes a great brown gravy. It is my family's favorite! Serve over garlic mash potatoes or egg noodles. We like to spice the potatoes...
I made up this slow cooker ratatouille recipe when I had bought too many squash! I served it in soup bowls over noodles. My kids loved the Parmesan cheese...
This is a delicious, rich, creamy, and satisfying chicken stew that my mom makes when the weather is nippy out. Use more or less veggies to your liking...
Traditional, wholesome, and all-around tasty. This recipe is about 400 years old. If the thickness is not to your liking, you can sift in flour until the...
Tomato stew with hamburger, carrots, potatoes, and green beans. Try adding a variety of veggies, fresh or frozen. I find it easy to keep pre-cooked ground...
A delightful stew! Os it a soup? I don't know, I just kinda invented it -- but it's delicious! If you like peppers, onions, and garlic, then this is going...
Moqueca is a traditional Brazilian stew with coconut milk and palm oil. This vegetarian and vegan version is made with hearts of palm and bell peppers....
You'll find some of the most versatile vegetables simmering in a pot of thick Irish beer that, when thickened with flour and sweetened with a bit of brown...
There's a lot of love in those dumplings! This is comfort food at its best and so worth the time and effort. I love the ohhs, awws, and OMGs, smiles, and...
This recipe was translated for me from a recipe I got from a Hungarian restaurant in Idar Oberstein, Germany in 1972. I've been making it ever since! Serve...
Even my boyfriend, who is a meat and potatoes kind of guy, gets excited when I make this dish. As an added bonus, this happens to be fit for a vegan. This...
This is a very good Brunswick stew made with last night's leftover pot roast. Southern style BBQ sauce works best. Don't use honey BBQ or other really...
This is a Cajun-style gumbo made with a seasoned roux, a classic from the bayous of south Louisiana. I revised the recipe after many, many trials. Serve...
Made with coconut milk as its broth, this stew is very different but a VERY tasty dish! Had a packaged Malabari Stew and wanted to make it myself. Found...
A simple and delicious recipe for venison, especially on a cold winter's evening. Make in an electric pressure cooker, such as Instant Pot®. Top with...
This is traditional hearty Greek comfort food. It is typically made with hare or beef. This version uses chicken, so that you can have the heartiness and...
Combining smoked oxtail and sweet potatoes in the slow cooker makes for a delicious,and surprisingly easy meal. The sweet potatoes cook down to help thicken...
White Turkey Chili is a healthy alternate to heavy tomato chilis. The flavor comes from Salsa Verde and lots of fresh vegetables and spices. It is fast...
My Dad took the veggies I had brought him from a friend's garden and just invented this one morning. His original recipe used Boca® crumbles. I like to...
This is a typical daal that Punjabis make for their parties! My kids love it! I enjoy it as a soup or with with fresh rotis! You can also serve it with...
This is a recipe my mom always cooks when she doesn't have much time. It only has three ingredients, but it tastes great! This will surely be a family...
This is a nice winter stew or soup that everyone loves in my family. It is so comforting on a cold winter night, or it can be a Thanksgiving dish substitute...