My daughter and I love zucchini, and this casserole uses plenty for a hearty fall side dish. For extra color, I add fresh diced tomatoes. -Rachelle Stratton,...
Fresh ginger, balsamic vinegar, soy sauce and sesame oil provide a nice blend of flavors in this Asian-inspired recipe for fresh sugar snap peas. This...
Potatoes and mushrooms make a one-dish meal I love - it's the calories you have to watch. Swap out dairy products with lower fat options. -Courtney Stultz,...
This creamy, sweet snickers salad with crisp apple crunch is a real people-pleaser. It makes a lot, which is good, because it will go fast! -Cyndi Fynaardt,...
Showcase asparagus when you dress it in fresh rosemary and red potatoes for an earthy counterpoint to the fresh, green spears. Add minced garlic and you...
Hot Potato Salad is a hearty side dish with old-fashioned flavor from Alpha Wilson of Roswell, New Mexico. Your hungry bunch will think you slaved over...
This dish is representative of my area of the country, and particularly the Texas-Louisiana border. The okra, corn and Creole seasonings are all popular...
While traveling through Morocco, my wife and I fell in love with the complex flavors of the many tagines we tried. Resist the urge to stir this dish too...
Low in fat, but high in fiber, this delicious barley risotto puts a twist on the typical dish. With its nutty undertones, barley provides the perfect backdrop...
I cook almost everything outdoors, including green beans. I prepare this snappy side dish while the entree is cooking. The recipe has won over my picky...
Sweet potatoes are such a nutritious vegetable and this recipe makes it absolutely delicious. The topping makes it irresistible.-American Dairy Assoc,...
For a little zip, crumble feta over the top of this artichoke salad. Add shredded rotisserie chicken for a beautiful main dish. -Deborah Williams, Peoria,...
Simple rice pilaf is a lifesaver when you are hosting Thanksgiving. Just place the ingredients in the slow cooker and forget about it until it's time to...
In just a few moments, I can have this homey side dish in the oven, leaving me plenty of time to attend to the rest of my meal.-Michele Doucette, Stephenville,...
Can't decide whether to cook vegetables or pasta for a side dish? Try combining them in this medley. It received rave reviews at our volunteer fire department...
This custardy creamed corn casserole recipe is SO good you'll want to scrape the dish clean to get every last bit of caramelized goodness... My favorite...
Looking for a festive dish to light up the buffet? This pretty green gelatin salad is eye-catching and has a delightful, tangy flavor. -Cyndi Fynaardt,...
This is our choice for a side dish that's lower in carbs than mashed potatoes but just as flavorful and satisfying. I suggest garnishing it with chopped...
You just can't make an easier, more delicious side dish than this. It's great with beef, pork and lamb, and I especially like serving it for a festive...
This recipe has been in our family for years. We like turnips with turkey, so my mother used to serve this side dish with our turkey dinner at Christmas....
Convenient grocery store items like frozen hash browns and a can of chicken soup make this an easy-to-make dish. Both kids and adults love it because it's...
Simple is best. Two ingredients can produce a lovely dessert. Serve this compote on its own or with whipped cream or ice cream. You can also use it on...
I love to experiment with different grains and wanted to give wheat berries a try. My whole family goes nuts for this salad, especially my mom. -Kristen...
Chopped onion, minced garlic and soy sauce add savory seasoning to this snappy side dish from Connie Moore of Medway, Ohio. At a mere 10ยข a serving, it's...
"This nicely seasoned casserole combines popular rice and the goodness of fresh spinach," says Mathilda Navias of Tiffin, Ohio. "Topped with Parmesan cheese,...
Crispy coating surrounds a velvety potato filling in these adorable puffs. They make a perfect side for meats and poultry. Best of all, the recipe makes...
This comforting side dish makes a rich and creamy accompaniment to almost any main entree. Kids and adults alike will ask for this dish time and again.-Gail...
"You'll find this delicious squash is a welcome change from plain vegetable side dishes," assures Karen Scaglione of Nanuet, New York. "It makes a great...
I got this recipe from a friend years ago, and I've used it a lot since! So many of my friends enjoyed it that I've sent the recipe all over the country....
With tons of veggies and flavorful rice, this simple dish has all your sides covered. Hearty and filling, this, paired with chicken or the pork chops here,...
Anna Stodolak sends her quick veggie side dish that's sure to perk up any dinner. Anna uses fresh yellow squash and peppers from her Volant, Pennsylvania...
Caramelized onions give a sweet and savory taste to this side dish from our Test Kitchen. Prepared with red potatoes, reduced-fat cheese and bacon, it...
Growing up in the South Pacific, rice was the mainstay of our diet. When my husband and I moved stateside, we created this Hawaiian fried rice recipe....
Here's an easy and attractive way to spruce up sweet potatoes for your Thanksgiving dinner. Field editor Billie Moss of El Sobrante, California coats the...
When my children were growing up, I had difficulty getting them to eat green vegetables. This recipe changed their minds. They liked the crisp-tender pea...
MY Mother often fixed this salad when I was a child. I grew up on a farm and most of our food came right from the garden. We especially liked this in the...
When I added garlic to this recipe, I discovered it gave the potatoes a unique flavor. My greatest compliment came from a neighbor who's a retired chef-he...
My grandmother made the best collard greens recipe in the world. Eating them with a slice of buttermilk cornbread is pure bliss. -Sherri Williams, Crestview,...
"This nicely seasoned stuffing is our favorite for holiday turkeys," reports Denise Goedeken of Platte Center, Nebraska. "It doesn't require a lot of prep...