This is my favorite way to prepare scallops. They're so flavorful they don't really need much more than a little butter and lemon. I like to serve them...
Scallop Scampi is a healthy and delicious recipe with lots of taste. Serve with crusty bread and a green salad, if desired. If you like a thicker sauce,...
Crispy, golden, juicy pot stickers, stuffed with a classic Cantonese filling, are more than just delicious - they're also a symbol of prosperity for the...
The freshest corn is so delicious that you don't need to bother cooking it. Simply toss the kernels with vinaigrette, tiny heirloom tomatoes, and steamed...
This is a spicy curried dish that my English husband loves! Great as an appetizer or as a main dish. For less spicy/hot, reduce ginger and/or curry paste....
Creamed lobster over buttered toast is comfort food at its best. This is a very popular recipe in southwestern Nova Scotia. You can also pour the creamed...
This is a sweet little experiment with shrimp and pineapple that I tried one night on my family. It has few ingredients so it is cheap and easy for small...
If you don't have a grill, don't sweat it: Just heat the cast-iron skillet over medium on your stovetop. Inside or out, you'll still have buttery clams...
Why buy a whole bunch of basil for just one sprig? Here, two huge handfuls are wilted into charred shrimp for a sweet fragrance that offsets the spicy...
Lemon pepper pasta served with sauteed garlic seafood. You can substitute the shrimp in this recipe with crab or scallops, or you could use a mixture of...