Sauteed shrimp braised with white wine and lime juice and seasoned with cilantro and cayenne pepper. Simple, quick and delicious. Serve with a grilled...
A wonderful shrimp pasta that will delight your family and guests and make them think you spent the day in the kitchen to get this flavor. Good with french...
I have always liked octopus but always had a problem finding a good recipe. Here is a combination of some of the ones I like. Serve over the pasta of your...
A surprisingly tasty wrap I put together for the family, and they loved it! It's a top-5 recipe in our household now. I prefer to eat these open-faced,...
Lining the toasted, buttered bun with lettuce might seem controversial, but it provides both crunch and a waterproof barrier that keeps the bread from...
The chocolate on your lobster will melt in your mouth like butter. Although it sounds weird, honestly, this is the best recipe ever! This is great with...
Tomatoes and shrimp cooked up with garlic and onions - this Gulf Coast tradition will have you dreaming of the bayou. This recipe can either be a main...