These vegetarian TVP burgers are high in protein and pack a bit of a kick. Feel free to omit the chili powder and cayenne if you prefer a milder veggie...
This homemade play on Arby's Beef n' Cheddar sandwich-a roast beef sandwich blanketed in cheese sauce-is made with a full-flavored sharp Cheddar-cheese...
Ralph Lauren's signature burger. At his Chicago restaurant, they use a mix of chuck, brisket, and short rib. If you have an awesome butcher, ask him or...
Philly Cheese Steak Wraps are the ultimate comfort food. Looking for a new weeknight dinner to add to your rotation? Well, this wrap is on the table in...
Use lentils to make sloppy Joes that are full of satisfying saucy goodness without any of the meat. It has all the same flavor as your childhood comfort...
Cemitas are a Mexican sandwich that originally hails from the State of Puebla and gets its name from the bun itself, also known as a cemita. This recipe...
Our Italian sausage and peppers recipe is topped with sweet and tangy peppers and is such a classic combination because it's hard to imagine one without...
A Cuban sandwich is not much more than a gussied-up ham and cheese toastie. Here three meats are pressed with cheese, pickles, and mustard until toasty...