This delicious recipe makes 2 dozen of the tastiest muffins filled with raisins and walnuts along with a combination of spices. You probably won't have...
This is adapted from Camilla Saulsbury's muffin recipe. It's fairly nutritious and soo good. These loaves/muffins freeze well too. I occasionally add some...
Since the rain, cold and gray of pre-winter has set in I have the desire to be baking again. This is one of my real favorites. It bakes up with that wonderful...
This is from my Joy of Cooking Book dated 1973. I get so many requests for it I just thought that I would send it in. I also use this batter to make muffins,...
This recipe is from the Culinary Arts Institute Encyclopedic Cookbook of 1950. It was posted in a thread about old vintage cookbooks. Next to the recipe...
This delicious quick bread is just perfect with a cup of tea or coffee. Spicy, moist, not too sweet, great texture. Made up with some of the ingredients...
These muffins are really moist, keep well and freeze well. Sprinkle with cinnamon and sugar before baking if you like. You can also use this recipe to...
Adapted from Cook's Illustrated. These muffins are awesome. The crumb is so moist , soft and tender. The yield is estimated since it depends on the size...
A new to me twist - no flour; just graham cracker crumbs; then baked in a loaf pan & topped with a pineapple glaze. Be sure to grease and flour the pan...
These hearty handhelds are made with the wholesome goodness of rolled oats, buttermilk, honey and wheat. Chewy and full of flavor, they're great warm with...
This was found on Mimi's Cafe website. I very rarely post recipes for things I haven't made, but since it was on their website am posting it before it's...
No eggs or substitutes needed! Be sure to ONLY use aluminum-free baking powder or this won't turn out. Can be made gluten free by substituting the flours...
I love these!!! AND they're healthy! Really, they are! They smell so good, and the taste is so wonderful. Try them and see for yourself :] However, this...
I love this bread. It is so simple and a great way to use up that wilting asparagus in your fridge. I am vegetarian, so I omit the ham and it is still...
The recipe listed on the back of the Spice Apple Bran Muffin Mix bag, with a few additions of my own. I love to tweak recipes to my liking, and I love...
this is an unusual banana bread recipe in that it uses a solid rather than liquid fat (ie. butter not oil), unlike most quickbread recipes, and is made...
Another addition to my growing collection of pumpkin breads. If you don't like dates, raisins should also work well here. This was sent to me by BHG and...
Looking for a zesty bread to start your morning off right? Our lemon and blueberry loaf has just what you are craving! Top it off with Fisher® Sliced...
Unlike some malt loafs, this doesn't use yeast to rise. This is a type of cake-like bread eaten in slices with tea. I like it with butter, but some people...
A great short-cut recipe using Bisquick. I found this recipe a few years back in a cookbook published by my family's church. I use it whenever I have family...
From the Better Homes and Gardens red plaid cookbook. THE best banana bread out there! I always add some cinnamon sugar on top before baking, which adds...
This is a favorite in our house. My daughter doesn't like fruity things in her muffins, so we started trying to make muffins she would love too. She is...
I remember my mom making this while I was growing up. Only she used Domino Liquid brown sugar, that I can't find anymore. I came up with an easier way...
This is a traditional hollow bread-like muffin-looking side that's not pudding at all. It will replace plain bread or rolls with your meals forever. It...
A slice of banana bread is a simple snack; when served topped with butter or honey, it is an accompaniment for a salad or light meal; when topped with...
This cornbread is sweet and delicious. Try it plain first. Vegan and gluten free. The almonds and cornstarch replace the eggs, buttermilk, oil, and all...
This is my alteration of a Taste of Home recipe, made with handy ingredients. The result is a moist flavorful muffin, not too sweet, but just right for...
A one pan recipe with minimal clean-up required. A little sister in my husband's fraternity was kind enough to share her recipe with me which I've since...
I've had this recipe for years, and we still enjoy these tasty muffins. Although the original recipe didn't call for them, I usually add a 1/2 cup of raisins...
I've been slightly obsessed with rosemary lately. I put it in everything and just can't seem to get enough of this delicious herb. My latest rosemary victim?...