I love corn dogs but not the oil they are fried in. So get out your cast iron skillet and try this baked one. I found it on Foodnetwork site for The Emeril...
My son is allergic to eggs, so I've tried many corn bread recipes that do not contain eggs. This is our favorite eggless corn bread recipe as it rises...
I got this recipe from my friend Sue - it is the best Irish Soda Bread I have tasted and this is now my go to recipe! Great as an accompaniment to soups...
I have been baking this bread for over 20 years. I'm not sure where I got the recipe from but its a KEEPER! It is very moist and makes the house smell...
This unique recipe combines cornmeal, creamed corn and cooked rice. Although my Southern heart is devoted to straight-up no-flour, no-sugar cornbread made...
Along the same lines as some others here, but with a few different ingredients. These muffins are very moist and flavourful. And yes...the batter will...
I bake daily and having failed to find a chocolate muffin recipe that 'hit the spot' I decided to take matters into my own hands, hence this recipe. Somewhat...
From Food and Wine magazine. They say that since the baking powder, which lightens the muffins, is activated by moisture, get the batter in the oven immediately....
This is a really good recipe for strawberry mini loaves, you can also use blueberries in place of strawberries or I have even made this using frozen cranberries,...
A nice simple recipe for a fruited muffin, this time strawberry...My sister is a strawberry fanatic and always asks for this when she comes for a visit...This...
These little mouthfuls are perfect to serve with drinks, canape style. Sandwiching them together with creamy Boursin adds flavour and is a pleasing contrast...
These carrot cakes make a great lunch box treat or snack for diabetics. The only "sugar" is a light dusting of powdered sugar, which could be left off....
I recently tried PaulaG's Pumpkin Fruit and Nut Muffins (#116356) and loved the wonderful moistness given to these by the apricots and raisins. So much...
Someone once gave me this recipe as something to do with leftover egg nog (we drink the stuff all year round). It's so luscious and yummy I usually make...
Blueberries, Raspberries, Blackberries, Strawberries... Oh MY! I made this recipe when the wild raspberries were everywhere at our cottage. I have made...
Healthy muffin recipe from Gourmet Magazine (August 1993). It's even tasty to those who don't care for bran! If you don'r have miller's bran, you can use...
Yum Banana Split in a muffin. I made adjustment to this recipe. The original recipe says to put the chocolate chip and pecans on top of the muffins before...
These aren't heinously spongy like most oatmeal muffins, and they actually have respectable mushroom-y muffin tops. You could always change up the berries...