This ham tastes very much like the famous honey baked ham but costs much less, and there's no need to fight the crowds at holiday time. You can even buy...
This recipe is a little different from others in that it uses worcestershire sauce in the egg mix. We love how it gives the chops a little extra "zing."...
This is a pork spread that used to be very popular amongst French Canadian working in the woods. This is best appreciated spread on toasts or plain multigrain...
This recipe is delicious, especially when smoked with hickory chips on a charcoal grill. A spicy rub and a zesty vinegar sauce turn pork into a North Carolina...
If you love BBQ sauce, this is a tasty and easy dish to whip up when you're short on time. We like these BBQ chops with long grain rice mixed with turmeric...
This recipe might not look like much, but wait until you try it! If you can,try to use the fresh thyme in place of dryed, it really makes a difference...
This is a great grilled sandwich! Panini get their character or distinct look from the grill marks on the sandwich. I serve it with soup or even salad....
Dry rubs are also a terrific way to season pork chops. Select chops of close to an inch in thickness - nothing flimsy - then grill them over steady medium...
I have been told by several people that this could possibly be the best thing they ever tasted!! A delicious and easy casserole your kids will beg you...
This is a fantastic comfort food recipe!One thing about comfort foods is that you can add a little of this and a little of that, to absolutely make it...
Miss the tarheel tradition of a pig pickin'? Then find yourself a crock pot, a big pork shoulder, some cider vinegar and get cooking! While ground and...
Originally of Pennsylvania Dutch origin, scrapple was made from the bits and pieces of the pig not suited for anything else! This streamlined recipe takes...
Tasty and filling, this is a wonderful 'got everything in the house' recipe!! This recipe is very versatile. I have substituted many different ingredients...
This is an easy and delicious recipe for marinating pork chops, steaks, or chicken. The marinade is prepared in minutes, and the meat can marinate in the...
I almost didn't want to share this ribs recipe because this is one of the dishes that I make that keep my sons coming back home! These can be done with...
The following recipe will make about 5 pounds of great bratwurst at a fraction of the cost of buying it at the grocery store-give it a try! Try serving...
This dish is a simple one pan meal for two people with healthy appetites, or an entree for 4 when served with salad, bread, and of course dessert. Eat...
These chops remain moist and tender, and the sauce is to die for! You probably have all the ingredients in your kitchen to make this! Serve these chops...
This casserole is perfect comfort food for the day after a holiday when you have leftover ham but don't feel like cooking! This is great served with broccoli,...
Don't let the simplicity of this recipe fool you. Served with a salad and a fast side dish, these pork chops are perfect for a busy weeknight, and my children...
This is the famous Bavarian Pork Roast. Juicy and very very tender with a fantastic sauce. Traditionally served with potato dumplings and sauerkraut. The...
This pork tenderloin cooks all day in the slow cooker with a creamy Dijon and sour cream sauce. It melts in your mouth. I serve it with mashed potatoes...
This recipe comes from the Kirby House Restaurant in Abilene, Kansas. It is a low maintenance but flavorful potluck dish! In addition to the below ingredients,...
You will never again buy a ham spread product after tasting this recipe. Use your mini chopper or food processor to whip up a large or small batch. Easily...
An easy dinner exploding with flavor baked all in one pan! Broccoli, baby potatoes, and carrots are tossed in a mixture of olive oil, whole grain mustard,...
A delicious pasta dish that takes so little time to make. Using Italian bacon (pancetta) gives it a unique flavour and texture. Sure to impress any guest....
A pan-fried, moist, and tender pork cutlet that will melt in your mouth. Serve with a wedge of lemon and the accompanied dipping sauce and you're in German...
What sets Cuban-style pork apart is the use of mojo criollo, a highly seasoned marinade made up of tangy citrus juice, vast amounts of garlic, cumin, and...