The buttery flavor of the crescent rolls makes for a delicious crust. The cream cheese sauce is cool, tangy, and refreshing. Top with whatever you like...
Ed, my son, loves garlic Alfredo Sauce and he loves pizza so I came up with this as a quick supper idea. I serve it with sliced yellow squash and onion...
I really had fun with this one, and the nice thing about it is you can have it on the table in about 30 minutes. I worked on this late into the evening,...
A great recipe for all of those jalapeno popper lovers out there. I got creative in the kitchen today and this is what we had for lunch. My hubby loved...
Can be made in a 9x13 inch pan - just use 1/2 the ingredients. But you might want to double the recipe below and use 2 (15x10-inch pans) if feeding a crowd...
This simple brick-oven pizza recipe has been made famous by several well-known, Brooklyn wood-fire pizzerias. Best accompanied by ice-cold, pilsner-style...
A new twist on a family favorite! This is the perfect quick fix for dinner during the busy week. Serve with pizza sauce for dipping. Recipe adapted from...
Named for Queen Margherita, and created with national colors (white mozzarella, red tomatoes, and green basil) this pizza is the most popular in Italy....
This is a bit different from what we're use to as far as pizza goes, this is my friends family recipe, that they shared with us, I have added onion, garlic...
I first made this pizza to use up some leftover chicken. It turned out to be so yummy now I cook the chicken just so I can make the pizza! This is great...
Ok, these rolls are seriously delicious! Don't be afraid - the steps may be a little intimidating, but the result is well worth it. A flavorful recipe...
This is another recipe by Aimee- who lives in Canada. The photo is by Whitneyinchicago. Check out her other great recipes at: her...
I was wanting to fix supper for myself and the husband and we were low on somethings but had an random assortment of things I had stocked up on. The husband...
Wanted something quick and easy to prepare one night looked around and came up with this easy french bread pizza recipe! I've made this for party's or...
Julie is right, the arrabbiata sauce really does bring a depth of flavor to this pizza. It's spicy, tangy, and delicious. All the topping pair well together...
This is a simple recipe for authentic brick-oven pizza made famous by several, well-known Brooklyn pizzerias. Best accompanied by ice-cold pilsner-style...