It's party time! Actually, any time is a great time for this recipe for Easy Beef Nachos. All you need are 25 minutes of prep time and pantry staples....
These classic Tex-Mex nachos are loaded to the MAX! Avoid soggy nachos by briefly baking them before topping with cheese, seasoned beef, refried beans,...
Hands up in the air for a 5-ingredient pantry staple meal! These roasted potato nachos only require a handful of ingredients and are ready in 40 minutes...
Nachos in the air fryer are an awesome, quick, and easy snack, that's totally customizable. The sky's the limit on your ingredient choices, so feel free...
Air-frying nachos is quick, easy, and finger-licking good. This is a basic recipe, so make it your own by using your favorite toppings and cheese, just...
These sheet pan nachos are the perfect bites of Greek salad on a crunchy canvas. Delightfully surprising take on nachos. These will be a hit at the next...
I was watching King of the Hill, Peggy mentions making Frito® pie. My husband looks at me and says see if you can find something like that on the internet....
I was watching King of the Hill, Peggy mentions making Frito® pie. My husband looks at me and says see if you can find something like that on the internet....
Marinated and grilled chicken breast and a blend of Mexican cheese nachos topped with lime crema and cilantro. I created this dish to pair with Vermentino...
I got this recipe from summer camp, and when I made them at home, my whole family was impressed. Layers of tortilla chips and salsa with the works on the...
Step up your nacho game this game day by turning leftover pulled pork into a sheet-full of goodness no one will be able to resist. Garnish with pickled...
This plate of nachos is very satisfying and craveable. I can eat them once a week. You can add whatever toppings you like, but this is our favorite. Also...
I came up with my own version of Italian Nachos after trying some at a festival. They are a nice change of pace from your typical nachos. These disappear...
This is a fun version of nachos, using waffle fries instead of tortilla chips. Every year at our annual St. Patrick's Day party, this is the first appetizer...
We were supposed to go a local pub that serves their homemade house chips loaded with the works - melted cheese, sour cream, bacon, etc. Everything you...
Very easy to make and very tasty! I tried these at an Italian festival; they were very good, but they needed a little something more to them. So I added...
This makes a huge meal-sized tray of nachos with lots of good stuff! You can adjust ingredient quantities to suit your preference. Serve with extra chips...
Very easy to make and very tasty! I tried these at an Italian festival; they were very good, but they needed a little something more to them. So I added...
Each chip from this massive pile of nachos is about the size of a small piece of pizza. As they should be for the ultimate nacho lover, right?! This recipe...
These nachos can be served as a meal, but all the good stuff makes for a great appetizer or snack while watching a game or a quick lunch for your family...
My husband wanted to find chips tasting like those made at restaurants. Baking them is the key. These nachos are his claim to fame as a cook and they're...