The lamb that we buy today hardly requires a typical English mint sauce (the puckery flavor was originally designed to cut through the stronger taste of...
The classic combination of tender pork, tart apples, and cider-braised sweet potatoes is a textbook meal for chilly days, especially when you're really...
Try this fresh alternative to holiday ham for your next festive gathering or Sunday supper. With an apple cider brine and maple-mustard glaze, this pork...
When you've got less than half an hour to get dinner on the table, a sausage sheet-pan dinner will always be there for you. With crispy mini potatoes and...
The key with tenderloin is making sure it's not overcooked, which is when it gets dry. The riper the peaches, the more delicious and nuanced the sauce...
The Potato Gratin with Cream and Fresh Herbs is a nice accompaniment to this main course. And for the wine, consider serving a flavorful red, such as a...
This super-easy recipe is a perfect canvas for punchy, crunchy toppers like toasted coconut and mustard seeds with turmeric oil and a zingy chutney. The...
For this cookout-ready dinner, grilled chicken gets glazed with a sweet and tangy South Carolina-ish barbecue sauce. The simple salad of grilled onions,...
Soft pretzels, sliced German sausages, pickled garden vegetables, and roasted Brussels sprouts can all be dipped in this oozy cheese sauce for one amusing...
Why buy this classic steak rub when you can make it yourself? Inspired by the flavors of pastrami, this rub is good on more than just steaks-try rubbing...
This updated take on the classic corned beef dinner features extra-crispy roasted cabbage and potato wedges instead of boiled. Serve it drizzled in a dill...
Pepperoni, marinated artichoke hearts, and canned chickpeas are roasted together to make a warm and crisp foundation for this wintry riff on an Italian...
Panchos are Argentina's take on hot dogs-a street-food staple that features a vast array of toppings. Condiments typically include mayonnaise, mustard,...