I have tried so many pasta bakes but this one from the Australian Women's Weekly is still the best IMHO! Easy and very delicious, reheats great and everyone...
A wonderful Asian dish thats easy to make, and on your table in around 10 minutes. Serve with hot white rice. To save time you can slice the beef a day...
A classic! Authentic Königsberger Klopse are made from ground veal, beef, and pork, along with a small amount of anchovies (or sardines or herring), chopped...
In culinary school, Rocco DiSpirito learned the term Mother Sauce, which refers to a sauce that is the base for other sauces. When he opened Rocco's and...
This is my mother's recipe that she has perfected over the years. She has won many a chili competitions with it. It is very good reheated for lunches and...
An excellent way to serve corned beef! Smells divine! (You may use the seasoning packet that comes with the corned beef if you prefer.) CROCK POT instructions...
Another good one from Toronto Chef Michael Bonacini. Not your ordinary meat loaf, its great with his Macaroni & Cheese and a green vegetable for a "retro"...
This is an old classic Aussie meal. When I was growing up, we always had Rissoles and onion gravy at last once a week. Give it a try and let me if you...
If you've ever eaten Vietnamese food and not had this, you have been missing out. Very good and pretty healthy. I'm sure someone from Vietnam could critique...
Fegato alla Veneziana. The keys to success with this classic Venetian dish are to slice the liver and onions very thin and to work rapidly to avoid overcooking....
Real comfort food done plain and simple. This usual tough cut of meat will melt in your mouth after slow cooking all day. Serve with mashed potatoes, veggie...
Many, many years ago, I worked in Manhattan on the edge of the Garment District, where there were the most wonderful Jewish delis. I enjoyed treating myself...
I adopted this recipe from Mean Chef. He and I made it together one cold spring in 2005 "Just your basic fabulous meatloaf with mushroom gravy. Great serve...
This recipe is one of my earliest food memories. Every Christmas Eve, my family enjoys an authentic Swedish Smorgasbord, of which this is an essential...
This recipe is, quite honestly, my most coveted of all! Once you taste these wonderful grilled burgers, all other burgers will take a back seat to these...
My grandmother passed this recipe down to my mom and she then passed it on to me. It's a casserole of pure comfort. First, bitter endive is simmered until...
This is a great savory meat and vegetable soup with Mexican spices. I usually throw in some Spanish rice and serve with warm tortillas to dip in. My 4yo...
This is an excellent chili recipe. My husband is a chili lover and requests this about once a week in the Winter. It's a little on the hot/spicy side but...
Beef short ribs braised in a big red until tender and juicy. I call for chicken stock because of the quality of store bought beef broth. If you have good...
This is the best cocktail meatball I've ever had. We didn't have chili sauce, but I found Recipe #363254 and made it homemade. Really a surprising but...
This recipe is foolproof. The pork chops turn out VERY tender. I have tried many other recipes for pork chops in the oven, and I always go back to this...
There really is nothing like a rich, meaty stew with fluffy dumplings to bring you comfort on a cold winter's day. The cooking time is long, but is absolutely...
The classic combination of tender pork, tart apples, and cider-braised sweet potatoes is a textbook meal for chilly days, especially when you're really...
An iconic and popular Korean BBQ beef dish. Note - be sure to add 30 minutes marinade time to the prep and cooking time. As an option, you can add sliced...
My family loves these pork butt steaks. I got this recipe from the butcher at Wegman's when they were out of the prepared pork butt steaks. These can be...
It's our favorite marinade for tri-tip. The original recipe is from the Food Network site, but I've changed it so much that I claim it as my own :) It's...