Typically South African tomato bredie is a stew,also referred to in Afrikaans as 'tamatiebredie', normally made with mutton or lamb.It is a delicious tomato...
This orange marmalade chicken recipe is quick and easy and perfect for a weeknight dinner. Made using a glaze with my favourite marmalade with no added...
I have a treat for you. This Crock Pot Goulash is a tried and true favorite one of our readers has been using for over 40 years! And my family devoured...
These fabulous Instant Pot burritos feature tasty spiced rice, beef and corn filling, grated cheese and fresh cilantro wrapped in a soft tortilla. Grill...
This Creamy Chicken Noodle Soup recipe from Pioneer Woman is super delicious, rich, hearty, and good for what ails you, this homemade chicken soup features...
These baked chicken drumsticks are marinated in a mixture of olive oil, lemon, garlic and herbs, then baked to golden brown perfection. An easy dinner...
This Panda Express style Chinese mushroom chicken is very easy to make and perfect for a weekday dinner. The tender chicken bites are cooked in an aromatic...
Red curry shrimp is an easy dish that only takes 20-minutes to prepare. The shrimp are simmered in a fragrant coconut curry sauce that you'll want to eat...
My Bacon Mac and Cheese Casserole is loaded with crisp bacon, cheddar, mozzarella and cream cheese. Topped with buttery, golden brown Panko breadcrumbs,...
Are you looking for a great Homemade Sloppy Joes slow cooker recipe? We just love these super easy Homemade Sloppy Joes (Slow Cooker) for weeknight family...
How to make Fasolia, a traditional Lebanese butter bean stew made with beef/lamb (fasolia bi lahme) or as a vegan/vegetarian butter bean stew. This tomato-based...
Learn how to make vegetable fried rice-it's a simple and satisfying dinner! This vegetarian recipe features extra vegetables and brown rice. Recipe yields...
This is a great everyday prawn risotto that's a cut above basic risottos. Searing the prawn (shrimp) makes a terrific flavour base that compensates for...
Deliciously creamy this leek and mushroom pasta dish is perfect comfort food. With buttery leeks, meaty shiitake mushrooms and a creamy white wine and...
Trinidad Chicken Roti- An incredible chicken meal that would excite your taste buds. Rich in spices, chickpeas and potato-So easy to make and comes together...
Tender juicy pork, stir fried with crispy peppers and onions in a garlicky savory sauce. Not only is it so easy and fast to make, but it also makes a great...
Known as porchetta in Italy, this pork dish has become a much-loved classic in Britain and a great alternative to turkey for a festive meal. Boning, butterflying...
Need to shake up your Taco Tuesday? Try these cheesy stuffed peppers with Mexican rice. It's a great way to experiment without giving up the best part-the...
It's true: you can have a beautiful, fall-apart tender Slow Cooker Chuck Roast with just 15 minutes of prep! Plus, a flavorful beef gravy from drippings...
Recipe video above. Sesame seeds add excellent flavour and give tofu a crispy crust crust that stays crispy even when doused with Teriyaki Sauce. Great...
Oven Braised Lamb Shanks with Pomegranate - a festive, Moroccan-inspired lamb recipe that is elegant and delicious! Succulent lamb shanks are roasted in...
Bacon-wrapped Stuffed Chicken Breast is a fancy meal made in less than an hour and will definitely hit the spot. Perfect for a lazy cook or impressing...
Author: Basson Laubscher
Deliciously tender, inexpensive and so easy to make! All great reasons to make this deliciously lean and tender rump roast.
Goulash in America and goulash in Europe are nothing alike. I'm well aware of their differences-I've had enough people tell me that my Hungarian recipe...
These Crispy Oven Baked Chicken Schnitzels are a healthy alternative to your deep-fried schnitzel. Perfect when you are craving fried comfort food but...
Chicken is grilled to perfection with a spicy peach glaze and then topped off with a fresh peach salsa in this Chipotle-Peach Grilled Chicken that'll...
This is hands-down a favorite dish to serve for friends and family. If you plan ahead, you can have this entire dish made the night before to let flavors...
Author: Chew Out Loud, adapted from Julia Child's Mastering the Art of French Cooking and Ina Garten