Tender pasta and chicken smothered in a creamy, garlicky white sauce - This Creamy Garlic Penne Pasta with Chicken is a delicious and easy meal for any...
This turkey marinade is a combination of olive oil, fresh herbs, spices and citrus, all blended together to make the most tender and juicy turkey ever!...
Fairly easy to make CARIBBEAN GRILLED WHOLE RED SNAPPER with a great blend of spice from ground allspice, garlic, ginger, paprika, basil, and thyme. Moist,...
This Chinese honey chicken recipe guarantees crispy juicy chicken and a rich sauce that is bursting with flavor with a simple approach. Now you can make...
Make this Easy Instant Pot Risotto in 30 minutes! Deliciously Rich & Creamy Italian Parmesan Risotto. No need to babysit the pot yet consistently yields...
Breaded, deep fried crispy pork cutlet is one of the top 10 favourite dishes among Japanese people. Quite easy to make and served with a sweet fruity sauce,...
This Grilled Ribeye Steak Sandwich Recipe is loaded with roasted onions, peppers and mushrooms with melted cheese and aioli sauce on a hoagie bun for a...
This is a very rich, sumptuous once or twice a cold season only kind of dish. Absolutely scrumptious. Great to take to a potluck or to pull out of the...
The ideal steak is tender, juicy, and flavorful. The reverse sear method allows you to achieve that perfection every single time. The process is simple:...
The eggplant is grilled until crispy and smoky, and then cooked in a rich savory garlic sauce. This vegan dish is very satisfying, both as a side or a...
A quick Moroccan-spiced marinade adds incredible flavor to salmon filets in this fresh, fast dish. While the salmon marinates and cooks, cook a colorful...
Roasted lemon chicken with rosemary and garlic is perfect for a weeknight dinner! It comes together so quickly and insanely flavored with only few simple...
This 3 Ingredient Crock Pot Chicken recipe is so easy to make and has an amazing flavor! It is great alone or over rice or noodles. You're going to love...
This easy eggplant curry recipe is healthy, flavour packed and a terrific Indian curry dish - with all of the cooking taking place in one pot. Also known...
Are you looking for a super easy recipe for chicken that is tasty and juicy? Then you do not want to miss this Simple Crock Pot Chicken! Delicious and...
This is definitely a Canadian recipe as I Personally recall seeing it on the side of the blue Catelli box, myself, as a child, on . It was the only pasta...
Minced Curry - an easy meal with earthy and aromatic flavors made with minced or ground beef, potatoes, peas flavored with curry powder, paprika, ground...
My Favorite Meatloaf recipe with tomato sauce and brown sugar glaze is flavorful, fork tender and delicious. An easy dinner everyone loves, this classic...
These crispy ground beef tacos are filled with seasoned meat, lettuce, cheese and tomatoes. An easy dinner recipe that the whole family will enjoy, even...
This slow cooker Mongolian beef is flank steak cooked with garlic, ginger, brown sugar and soy sauce. This crock pot recipe tastes just like a meal you...
Chicken masala is a simple Indian dish made with chicken, spices, herbs, onions and tomatoes. Serve this with rice or any flatbreads like naan, roti or...
This risotto recipe is made to perfection in the Thermomix Machine. No standing and stirring and adding stock. This machine does it all for you while you...
A crispy thin layer of sweetened cornmeal crust surrounds a juicy hot dog that can be dipped in a little mustard or ketchup for a healthy take on a State...
Kansas City Style Ribs are characterized by a brown sugar spice dry rub and thick, sticky sauce brushed on in the last 30 minutes of cooking. Nutritional...
This Mexican lasagna is layers of flour tortillas, cheese, beans and ground beef, all baked together until golden brown. The ultimate Mexican casserole...
Recipe video above. When the cupboards are bare, and all you have is canned tuna, pasta and canned tomato, you can still make a wickedly delicious dinner!...
Keema is a dish made of minced meat, onions, tomatoes, spices & herbs. This recipe will yield a delicious dish which be eaten with rice, or can be stuffed...
This recipe for stuffed poblano peppers is tender pasilla chiles filled with a mixture of ground beef, rice, black beans and vegetables, then topped with...
Parmesan Baked Cod is mildly flavored cod topped with Parmesan cheese, paprika and parsley, then roasted to perfection. An easy, tasty dinner that's quick...
This balsamic chicken is chicken thighs coated in a sweet and savory glaze and roasted to perfection along with potatoes and asparagus. An easy one pan...
P.F. Chang's Garlic Noodles are a quick and easy Chinese noodle dish copycat dish you can make without the heavy flavors of a chow mein and as the perfect...