This is my family's recipe for old-fashioned French-Canadian split pea soup (or soupe aux pois, as it's known in Quebec). Made with split peas, smoked...
Grilled lamb chops are an elegant and easy-to-make main course. Treat yourself to these delicious chops that are seasoned with rosemary, thyme and garlic....
Feijoads is the national dish of Brazil and is the ultimate beans and rice dish. Made with several kinds of pork meat, slow-simmered to maximize flavor...
Easy pav bhaji - A detailed recipe to make quick & delicious mumbai pav bhaji at home. Bhaji is a thick buttery mixed vegetable curry served with Indian...
Moo Goo Gai Pan, or "mo gu ji pian", means mushrooms and sliced chicken. It originated from a Cantonese dish and slightly transformed when it became one...
Celebrate this festive season with nothing other than a well prepared, moist, tender festive turkey! We've come up with this amazing recipe flavored with...
Salty, Smokey and the PERFECT bite with a soft southern biscuit, you'll want to know EXACTLY how to cook country ham slices for the perfect southern comfort...
This Spanish chicken and chorizo stew is the perfect recipe for a weeknight meal. It's easy to make, super tasty, and always yields plenty of leftovers!...
This Pioneer Woman Shredded Beef Tacos recipe is the only beef recipe you will ever need! It's unbelievably tender and rich in flavor, and made with simple...
Chanko Nabe is a hot pot dish consumed by sumo wrestlers. The chicken based broth and lots of different ingredients are so delicious.Just like any other...
Potato Piroshki - baked in the oven. A healthier version of a Russian classic, with an easy bread maker dough and traditional yeast dough recipe! Mashed...
A delicious use for leftover roast chicken: take a few minutes to make my tasty and easy leftover roast chicken frittata. Remove the potatoes and you have...
Beer, Bacon, and Cheese are pretty much my culinary trifecta! With that said; Beer Bacon Mac and Cheese is the ultimate comfort food. This restaurant quality...
A Southern Easter Menu line-up featuring these delicious cornish hens! MOIST AND TENDER CORNISH HENS SEASONED WITH A SAVORY SPICE MIXTURE AND ROASTED WITH...
This recipe for broiled salmon is fresh fish fillets coated in olive oil, garlic and herbs, then broiled until browned. A quick and easy dinner option...
These Thai Peanut Chicken Lettuce Wraps are quick, easy, and healthy! Full of veggies: onion, carrot, and red pepper, ground chicken or turkey, and the...
Teriyaki Chicken is one of the most popular Japanese dishes. The Teriyaki Sauce is so easy to make, it's just a mixture of soy sauce, sake, mirin, and...
Three cups chicken (San Bei Ji) is so attractive because of its simplicity to prepare and concentrated flavor. Traditionally it is served bubbling hot...