Adding an apple and cider to cranberries gives this Cranberry-Apple Sauce a fresh-from-the-orchard taste.
This sweet and sour Brussels sprouts recipe is sautéed with honey, vinegar, and chiles to boost the flavor of this classic green vegetable.
With 40 grams of protein per serving, this quick and easy shrimp salad recipe features butter lettuce, avocado, and grape tomatoes.
This Southwest side dish is full of bold flavor and heart-healthy fiber. Serve it with any Mexican entree to help fill out the meal.
Prepared salsa makes this chicken stir-fry recipe burst with flavor. Substitute any of your favorite vegetables. Serve with pasta or rice and dinner is...
Flip out Store-bought piecrust. Flip in quick graham cracker crust. Calorie savings 175
These creamy mashed potatoes are a good source of calcium and a perfect accompaniment to almost any meal. Low-fat buttermilk and nonfat sour cream bring...
It's also a perfect companion for baked beans, ham, or pork.
The spices in garam masala give dishes a warm, earthy taste and supply antioxidants that fight disease.
"You can use this marinade for boneless, skinless chicken breast and then grill it. I also use it on fresh steamed veggies-everything from broccoli to...
If you're lucky enough to have leftovers of this flavor-bursting soup, it is actually better the next day
Because this is a relatively small batch of dough, you can mix and knead it in the food processor to save time.
When I need to feel I'm having something decadently and sinfully sweet, this recipe does the trick while still keeping me on track with my diet.