Plank cooking is a Native American technique that imparts a subtle smoky flavor to fish, meat, poultry, and vegetables. It is recommended to use a plank...
This family invention is a favorite. It's quick, easy and only requires three core ingredients. The entire family loves this meal and always come running...
What a great way to combine all food groups into one casserole dish. So yummy, the kids won't even mind eating their veggies. Also a good meal idea for...
We had some beautiful tilapia fillets, but no recipes! I had recently bought some amazing sun-dried tomatoes packed in oil, and decided to invent a slightly...
Rockfish fillets are placed on a bed of fresh spinach, seasoned with dill, lemon pepper, garlic powder, onion powder, salt, and pepper and topped with...
I have tried this recipe with several varieties of white fish and it is always wonderful. This recipe also works without the flour for those of you who...
These seared ahi tuna steaks take only 6 minutes to make- they're healthy, crispy and seared on the outside, and medium-rare on the inside, and bursting...
I came up with this recipe because I could not find a recipe I was looking for. A very simple, easy, and quick dish to put together. I always make this...
This is a dish my parents used to be able to make in a half hour when we were children. I added a few additions to make it a little more exciting and fairly...
Opting for low-fat Alfredo sauce and sour cream lightens up this weeknight-friendly tuna casserole that packs plenty of veggies alongside whole wheat pasta,...
This is a great recipe I came up with to get rid of leftover bread. I generally use the contents of my vegetable drawer here so I kind of throw in whatever...
A personal spin on baked cod fish tacos. When beef or chicken gets tiresome, do something fishy! Omitted cilantro due to personal tastes, but feel free...
This delicious healthy dish common to North Africa, particularly Morocco, is one of my favorites when entertaining guests. The wonderful spices blended...
A healthy way to enjoy whiting and/or tilapia, without spending all of your time in the kitchen. My family enjoys it, even the kids will be looking forward...
This spiced fish is served on a fresh corn tortilla with pickled red onion, Baja cream and slaw and a spoonful of your favorite tomato salsa-the best part...
My husband is not a big fish eater, but this recipe had him looking for seconds. What makes it a joy for me? It is so quick and easy that it qualifies...
An easy, pleasing recipe that is very economical to make and enjoy. I serve with chicken gravy at the table with mashed potatoes and a vegetable or tossed...
I was recently introduced to monkfish (sold as "monkfish tail" in fish markets) and it has become a new favorite of mine. It's often called "poor man's...