This recipe for short rib ragout includes how to make your own pasta with an electric pasta machine, but of course you can substitute dried pappardelle...
This 30-minute chicken wonton stir fry uses store-bought wontons and a quick homemade stir fry sauce. It's packed with veggies and flavor! 213 calories...
Baked chicken tenders get a flavor makeover with the addition of a homemade teriyaki sauce. Perfectly crispy, sweet and savory! 236 calories and 5 Weight...
Traditional lacy potato latkes can be flavored with onion, parsley, grated carrot, or apple, or made simply of seasoned shredded potatoes. When served...
Fire up the grill and serve Louisiana Cajun Turkey Burgers with Étouffée Relish and Creamy Cajun Sauce this weekend! This spicy twist on a classic turkey...
This po'boy, from chef Isaac Toups of Toups Meatery and Toups South in New Orleans, packs in a heaping portion of fried oysters and shrimp. As opposed...
I love using the air fryer for burgers, especially in the winter when the grill is not as easily accessible. The burgers get hit with that direct hot air...
Creamy risotto mixed with fresh lime juice and zesty cilantro. A simple, easy-to-make, and super flavorful meal. This recipe supports the Decision-Free,...
This savory Dutch baby features a combination of egg, cheese, mushrooms and prosciutto. With just 30 minutes between preperation and cook time, this dish...
At NYC's Scarpetta, this delicious spaghetti dish is served over 100 times a day! The garlic-and-basil-infused olive oil gives the tomato sauce a bright...
Because a Western-style fondue pot is too small for all the broth in a Vietnamese hot pot, we recommend using an electric skillet or electric wok that...
This is a great mid-week dinner for two. It takes just 7 minutes and you don't even have to cook the pasta separately. This recipe is written for a 2-quart...
Flavorful shrimp are seared with garlic and a shallot, then added to a decadent lemon wine sauce and tossed with linguini. Add butter to finish, then serve...
Switch up your traditional turkey by making an air-fried turkey breast with cherry glaze. Glazing the turkey at the end prevents over-browning, but delivers...
This delicious Pambazos you are about to learn how to make will forever change the way you think about sandwiches; and not just any sandwich, but a delicious...
This recipe perfectly marries the delectable corned beef sandwich found at iconic Jewish delis with your classic burger. Go heavy on the mustard and pickles...
Easy Teriyaki noodles take less than 10 minutes from start to finish. Add some air-fried tofu and sauteed vegetables and turn this quick teriyaki noodle...
Cheese and oatmeal may seem like a foreign combination, especially if you're used to sweet breakfast oatmeal doused in whipped cream and sugar. This Instant...
You can't beat Instant Pot Black Beans and Rice with Avocado Salsa for a healthy, economical meal that comes together easily! 268 calories and 6 Weight...
Fire up the grill and get that classic fajita sizzle going with this Grilled Steak Fajita Tacos recipe. Skirt steak is the perfect choice for fajita tacos...