Make your feast more special for this year's holiday with this simple orange jalapeño cranberry sauce that can be ready in 15 minutes. An easy recipe...
I call this recipe "Texas Style Pulled Pork" because it reminds me of the way brisket and spare ribs are cooked in the Lone Star State. Simple, 3-ingredient...
Benne seed cookies are a popular treat in South Carolina's low country. These nutty, crunchy, sweet wafers use sesame seeds, all-purpose flour, eggs and...
Everyone's favorite side dish, now deep-fried! This is a great accompaniment to any dish you would serve with potatoes, or as a party appetizer with...
Salsa Chicken Casserole will take dinner to a whole new level. With a quick stir-fry, this casserole can be on the table in under 30 minutes. Perfect on...
I decided to give this dish a Maryland twist filled with lump crab meat and a surprise crumble on top, but no matter which cheese, noodle, or crumble you...
Make this Chinese dim sum Shumai Recipe (Siu Mai, Shaomai, or Siomai). Flavorful Pork Dumplings with crunchy shrimps, bouncy pork & fragrant mushrooms....
This recipe calls for apricots, but peaches, plums, and nectarines roast beautifully, too. The traditional version of dulce de leche, a Latin American...
This deeply-flavorful short rib rendition builds on memories of that dish - but takes it to the gourmet level - meltingly tender, beefy, velvety and rich....
Oven-roasted cream cheese stuffed jalapeño poppers filled with cheesy crab and Chinese sausage filling with a crispy sesame onion topping. East meets...
The simple combination of sharp Campari and salty fino sherry makes for a spritz that quenches your thirst and works wonderfully with potato chips, olives,...
While the chicken bakes for a fairly long time-an hour to an hour and 15 minutes-in the brief time it takes for your oven to preheat, your chicken can...
New Potatoes with Garlic and Dill is a perfect side dish that I can always count on to satisfy everyone at the table, plus, it goes well with almost any...
I doubled the recipe here and I show you how to clean and prepare fresh calamari. Remember, never fry squid over 2 minutes. I used a Cajun seasoning in...
To make the finished dish less of a knife-and-fork affair, remove the braised chicken from the bone, shred it with a couple of forks, and then stir it...
New Year's Eve parties call for a showstopper entree and this roast beef rubbed with bacon is it. This easy recipe uses only a trimmed tenderloin of beef,...
A complete breakfast in one easy cheese and sausage casserole that is also perfect for brunch. This recipe calls for white bread, medium and mild sausage,...
Singaporeans (and Malaysians) love to eat pineapple tarts, especially during Chinese New Year! Buying good pineapple tarts can cost up to $25 SGD dollars....